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"Guys! We need to film my Youtube video!" Nash said to all the boys.

"Same." Matt said.

"And same." Cam said.

"Well, I need to go do something with Shawn and the Jack's so we can't be in it." Aaron said.

"Do you wanna just do you three?" I told my absolutely flawless, Nash.

"That sounds good." Nash smiled and then nuzzled his head in my neck. I still can't believe this boy is ALL mine.

"I call the pickle and waxing legs!" Cam said as we all looked at him weirdly before laughing.

"What the fuck is that?" Taylor laughed.

"Like it's pickle eating challenge, and then the loser get's to get their legs waxed." He said.

"Sounds simple enough, let's film yours Camsters." Nash said making us laugh. They grabbed their needed materials and then sat on the end of Cameron's bed. It went Nash, Cam, then Matt. I sat in the desk chair right behind the camera watching them. I clicked record for them and then they started.

"Hey guys, what's up it's Cameron and I'm here with Matt Espinosa and Nash Grier." He said hitting each of their chests. "And we're going to do the pickle challenge." He said. He then explained what the challenge was and what you had to do, but then the boys got in an argument about the amount of losers.

"The two losers get their-" Cam started.

"No, it's one loser!" Matt whined. Nash said a couple things but then Cameron talked louder than him so I couldn't comprehend it.

"You gotta lose!" He said to Matt.

"I understand that!" He shouted back. They weren't angry, although I can't describe their emotions and tone of voices to be honest. They're weird human beings.

"Two of us are not getting our legs w-" Nash started but was cut off by Cam.

"Yes! It's two losers, it's two." Cameron insisted. "It's two." They talked a little more and Matt complained about how he doesn't like pickles but Nash and Cam were in their own argument so they didn't hear him.

"Fine, it's fucking two!" Nash said. His voice sounds so hot, like I don't even know. I'm whipped. Cameron chanted to himself in victory as the other two rolled their eyes. I gave them the jars of pickles and then they acted like weirdos when they unwrapped the jars which made me laugh. Once they were ready I counted them down and instantly they went at it.

Matt and Cam were eating the pickles, meanwhile Nash was drinking the juice, and looked absolutely miserable.

"I hate pickles so much." Matt said with mouthful of pickles. After he said that Cameron hit Nash with a pickle. Nash turned away and made weird noises before he turned back to the camera and said,

"He fucking threw pickle in my eye." His eyes were red, and if I didn't know any better I'd think he was high because of his eyes. Which he wasn't by the way. Nash then started eating his pickles obnoxiously which in a demented way, I found cute.

Basically most of the video filming went on with Cameron winning, Nash repeating the word 'fuck' every few minutes, and Matt complaining about his hatred for pickles. It was the end when Cameron won. Cameron and Nash puked up a little after it and then Nash came back in wearing my favorite hoodie on him, his dark tie dye.

"Nash, I'm not kissing you until you brush your teeth by the way." I told him.

"Baaaaabbbbeeeee." He whined.

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