thirty six

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"BABE, WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?!?! I'M GOING TO A MOTHER FUCKING ED SHEERAN CONCERT!!!" I shouted at the top of my lungs in excitement. I was about to blow, this was one of the most exciting things I've ever found out in my entire life.

"Because, I thought it'd be a better surprise." He smiled.

"Better surprise it was." I smiled back at him. I leaned over and kissed his cheek and then sat back with a big smile. I took a selfie but Nash was looking at the road so I just made a silly face and a peace sign and then took it. I posted on Twitter and captioned it as, "@CoraSkye: I think this kid deserves award for best boyfriend on the planet, because he just surprised me with ed sheeran tickets. I love you hamilton @Nashgrier <3"

We pulled in to our parking spot after searching for a while and being directed to different areas all over. We got parked and then grabbed our stuff heading out of the car. I hope it can just be normal tonight, no fans bombarding us. I want us to be able to enjoy ourselves without fans getting involved. I mean I love them but, I don't know.

We showed the door person our tickets and we headed inside. It was already getting crowded but the atmosphere was amazing. It felt so chill and comfortable and I loved it.

"When Lego House comes on, I'm screaming along I don't even care." I told him honestly and he just laughed.

"You're not gonna be singing alone if that's what you think." He said making me laugh. Love this kid, I literally love this kid so damn much.

"I love you, you know that right?" I told him looking up at him as I squeezed his hand tighter.

"I love you more though, and don't even try to argue that." He said with a confident smirk.

"Okay then, just keep thinking that Hamilton." I laughed to him. We finally got in our seats and excuse me but, IT WAS FUCKING FRONT ROW. Like right in front of him, THE Ed Sheeran. The opening act did their performance and then Ed came on, and by then I was almost in tears because my ginger god was in front of me. He smiled right at me and I almost died, after that he gave Nash a laugh and wink.

Wait. Does he know Nash? What.

He sang basically every song off of "+" and now he was singing some songs off of "x" like Sing. I See Fire, Sing, and Nina were my favorites off his most recent album and then Lego House, Kiss Me, and basically every song on his old album is my favorite. Every single song I am in love with.

After a solid two to three hours, it was over. I was pretty upset because I had a great time and I'm glad it was spent with Nash, but all good things have to come to an end right? I looked at Nash and smiled and then kissed him. I pulled away and looked him in the eyes.

"Thank you for this, you don't know how much those two hours actually meant to me babe. I really do love you." I told him.

"You don't have to thank me Cor, you deserve to meet your idol. You've loved Ed since 2012, it's about time." He said.

"Meet my idol?" I asked confused. "I saw him, but I didn't meet him."

"Not yet." He smirked. He grabbed my hand and rushed us throughout the crowd quickly and to the stage guy manager, or whatever the hell he is. I don't even know, and my mind is in a blur still from the perfection of Ed Sheeran. I was about to ask Nash where we were going but then I saw him. I looked up to Nash in shock and then back to Ed. Nash really did this all for me?

"Your friend Shawn mentioned some things about you, I was really excited to get to meet you. He showed me your singing too. You are amazing, Cora." Ed spoke in his thick British accent. He knew who I was? I'm sorry but I'm about to faint. This is too unreal, wait, maybe I'm dreaming yeah?

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