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Hey guys! SO, let me start off and say HOLY FUCKING SHIT WE MADE 1 MILLION. MOM I MADE IT.

But no, seriously though. I cannot thank all of you enough for what you did for me in the past eight months with this story. To already hit one million in just eight months is beyond crazy, I never thought I'd hit a million before a year! The nice comments you guys leave for me just add on to it too! Even though I get some bad comments, the good over rule the bad always!

So, I thought what other way to give back to you guys then tell you what I'm about to tell you?

In celebration of reaching one million reads on Baby Blue Eyes, I will be doing a couple things that revolve around that story in particular.

The first thing I will be doing is what ALL OF YOU have been constantly asking me about. It has been up in the air if I would be doing a sequel or not, or where that stood and I haven't really given anyone a for sure answer, so here it is. YES!! I am doing a sequel! Basically all I can tell you about the sequel is that it will be a couple years in the future (Cora is going to be eighteen and Nash is nineteen)! I don't want to give any MAJOR things away BUT, this sequel is definitely gonna be addictive I can already tell! Much more drama and twists are to come!

NEXT, EPILOUGE. Yes, I am doing an Epilouge but it'll be short like a page or two ONLY because that way I can start the sequel right and it all fits together well. Ya get my feel? So, there IS AN EPILOUGE. The Epilouge will be up pretty soon too, these next two weeks or so in between that time, so yeah keep an eye out!

AND I DIDN'T TELL YOU GUYS, BUT OTHER THAN THE SEQUEL MY OTHER WAY OF GIVING BACK TO YOU IS VERY BIG. Now, I speak zero Spanish BUT I can translate it fairly well. I know my translations won't be 100% but that's okay! Oh, wait! I didn't tell you! I will be doing a Spanish Translation of Baby Blue Eyes! Now, before you ask "why not *insert other language here*?" well your answer is, other than English Spanish is the most common in America. That means there more people who read and speak Spanish. I want to do this so I can reach out to more people with my writing and gain a bigger audience. I love my English and American readers, but I know there's so many Nash fans that are more fluent in Spanish that could use a translation book for easier use! And I want to make it easier. This makes it easy for foreign readers/fans to read my story and we all can avoid legal troubles and copyright if one of you guys tried to translate it.

So yeah, if you speak Spanish well then you're in luck because I'm coming back with a Spanish Translation of Baby Blue Eyes soon! I have no specific date, but it is soon! SO SPANISH FANS OR ANYONE THAT SPEAKS SPANISH HOPEFULLY YOU'LL LIKE THE SPANISH TRANSLATION AND READ IT :)))) I'M EXCITED ABOUT ITTTT!

But yeah, that's about it. I am not sure when the sequel is coming, so do not ask. I have other stories I am planning and a lot is goin on atm so yeah. I will still be updating Revenge (btw thanks on that! 8k aleady!) continuously and finish it on time. After Revenge comes out there will be another book that I'm already working on (hint: it's about an old magcon boy! again!).

I also want to address that I will be continuing the third book in my Sam Pottorff trilogy soon. I know I say that a lot, but I feel that when I go on this road trip that I am going on next month, I will get inspiration for that story in particular! So be patient and continue to keep it in your library because it will come back and be finished well!

And also comment, where are all of you from? I wanna know! I'm from Michigan but I want to live in Cali or Florida :)))))

Uhm, but yeah. That's it for the author's note this time and hopefully I won't add another bc this is literally the like millionth one on this book (not really lex)


Social medias:

twitter, insta: @lexiefxx (just hit 1k on insta whaddup guess I ain't that ugly after all)

Youtube: LexieeBeautyy

snapchat: lexinator_13

kik: ask on pm :)

oh, I got a vine but I don't post on it so if you wanna follow it that's cool you don't have to tho: Lexie

oh, and cora has an instagram (I don't run it a reader made it but yea follow that): @itscoraskye (SHOULD I MAKE CORA A TWITTER AND WOULD YOU GUYS LIKE FOLLOW AND INTERACT WITH IT WHEN THE SEQUEL IS GOING ON OR NAH?)

I think that's all i got, so yea ily guys so much and I hope you love me back so we can be friends still bc I kinda think ur cool and I'm ranting but it's 1:30 am so it makes sense but it's friday so yolo oh wait- did i really just- eh nevermind ok byyyyyeeeeeeeeeuuuuuhhhhhhh <33333333

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