thirty one

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Cora's POV

"Cameron! Stop!" I whined as I laughed like there's no tomorrow. Cameron and I were currently sitting on his bed having a tickling fight. We had a busy day today, it was chaotic. First we woke up and went to get breakfast at Taco Bell, and then we went to pick up Hailey and Sierra, then we traveled around California and went to the Hollywood sign and then around Chino Hills and other places, after we went to see The Neighbors together. But, we got mobbed by fans on our way out. It was tiring.

"Only if you say Cameron is the hottest most amazing best friend ever and I love him the most!" He said.

"Hail naw!" I denied as I kept squirming around. "Cammmmm, please?" I whined.

"Only if you say it." He smirked taking a quick break as he hovered over me.

"Fine." I pouted. I said what I needed to say and then he stopped and jumped off of me. He layed next to me and we layed on our sides looking in to each others eyes.

"I'm tired." I chuckled.

"Then sleep, dork." He laughed at me.

"Oh, shut up Cam!" I laughed slightly and hit his arm.

"So, you excited for Magcon?" He asked.

"Kind of, kind of not. Chad is forcing us to leave Magcon because 26. I mean, I don't want to, I'm so close to everyone." I said. "The memories we made, and the times we shared are unforgettable. I mean without Magcon, a lot of things in my life would be different right now." I added.

"But look at it this way, we can do more of what we want. Admit it, you hate how Bart restricts us and you hate how he is in it for the money. I mean I know you don't hate him but you hate the things he does." Cameron had a point.

"But, how will the fans respond too?" I asked hesitantly.

"Probably not too well, but we'll have to deal with the weight of it all." He said rubbing the small of my back to calm me down.

"I just appreciate what Magcon has done for me, all the people I have in my life from it now. Even if some of them don't want contact anymore, it was fun while it was a thing." I said tearing up.

"Forget about Nash Cora. He doesn't know what he left behind. You are amazing and beautiful and worth someone who will love you endlessly. I still think Nash loves you, and I think he loves you so much that that's the reason he did what he did. He doesn't love you any less and I guarantee that. Just remember how gorgeous you are Cor, you are gorgeous and beautiful and I love you and I will be here for you no matter what. Alright?" He smiled. I loved Cameron. He was the best friend known to man.

Cameron's eyes slowly traveled down to my lips and mine did the same with him. Before I knew it the both of us were slowly leaning in. After what felt like forever, our lips met. We kissed for a few seconds but I felt nothing obviously, and I know he felt the same. But, Cameron was a super good kisser, so I kept on going.

He slid his tongue into my mouth and then it instantly turned in to a heated make out session. He rolled me on my back and climbed on top of me hovering over me. Damn, he is such a good kisser I can't even describe it. I mean part of me doesn't get why I'm doing this, and I know he's thinking the same. I think it just sounds fun and random to us and I think he's a good kisser and I'm hurt, so why not? I mean it means nothing to either of us.

After a solid half an hour to forty five minutes, we pulled away breathless. I had a hickey, or three, on my neck but I made sure he didn't because of Hailey. Hailey. I felt bad for her, but at the same time I had no regret. She shouldn't be worried because I'm sure that is NEVER happening again and that is a promise.

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