thirty five

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"Baaaaabbbeeeee!!!" I whined to Nash as I straddled on top of him. He was currently asleep so I was sitting on top of him with one leg on each side as I was in a kneeling position. I was squeezing his cheeks and laughing as I tried to wake him. "Nash, we have a big day come on..." I said poking his cheek. Still nothing, but then again...If I kiss him?

I brought my lips to his cheek and then slowly traveled them to his lips and attached them together. In a couple seconds I felt him move and kiss me back. That little douche.

"You little shit." I laughed and got off him, well tried. He pulled me back down hugging me and I fell beside him laughing. He made me so happy that I couldn't exactly put it in to words.

"I love you." He smiled trying to get me happy.

"No, you're a little douche." I laughed.

"Well, if it makes you forgive me, I'll have you know that our Cash day is going to a Drake concert." He smirked.

"WHAT." I said in pure shock. Drake was Nash and I's thing, well one of our things, Ed Sheeran was too. We listened to him in the car and sung like idiot. We always jammed to random slow songs of his, and then danced like idiots to his faster songs. Main point is, I'm freaking out and The Weeknd is opening for them so that's even better.

"Yup, Staples Center at 8:00 tonight." He smiled. I squealed all girly like and brought my lips to his in one quick motion. I cupped his face and he tried to slide his tongue in my mouth, but I'm a little tease. I smirked against his lips and then he pulled away.

"Babe. Kiss me." He whined like a little five year old. I smiled to myself and brought my lips back to his and let him in. We kept that going a little longer until we got up, aka me pulling him up but failing because he is heavier than me. We skipped, and I repeat skipped, hand in hand out into the living room to see Kian and Jc doing some prank on the girls. Two seconds after that Ricky, Connor, Harrison, and Cameron walked in. Along with Matt too. Wait. MATT IS HERE.

I instantly ran up to Matt and squeezed him in a huge hug. I haven't seen Matt since, oh my god. When was the last time I saw him? Like a month and a half ago, and that is not okay. Not okay at all. I squeezed on tightly to him, and realized how much I missed this kid. He lifted me up a little bit as he clutched just as hard.

"Dude. I missed you so much." I told him in his chest. Can you imagine that you were like best friends with your brother and he went away to war or something for a long time? That's what it felt like, Matt was my brother best friend that I missed a whole lot.

"Aw, Corabear." He cooed as he rocked our hug back and forth. "I missed you too babes."

"When did you get here?" I asked.

"Last night. I came to surprise you but Nash told me you were asleep." He said. I went to bed pretty early, Nash exhausted me with emotions that day. After that, we kept hugging for what felt like forever and by time we were done everyone was doing their own thing. The boys went back to pranking the girls and once I let go Matt joined them. I walked over to Nash who was being all quiet.

"Well what happened to you mister grumpy?" I teased as I sat on his lap poking his cheek. He smiled small to himself and then looked up at me with little emotion on his face. He looked pretty sad. "You alright babe?" I asked hugging in to him. He then hugged back gently and dug his head in to me.

"Yeah, I will be now." He smiled.

"I love you." I told him kissing the top of his head, my lips burring themselves into his brown and blonde highlighted hair.

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