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I wrapped the clear tape around the top of the last box I had full of my things. Today was the day, I was officially leaving Bridgeport, where I've been all my life and I was moving to Mooresville, North Carolina. I just don't know what to do or how to feel because I knew no one there so I was going to be friendless.

Like I told my mom, if I were to get friends I'm worried that they'll be fake. That they'll only be friends with me to get close to the Magcon boys or to get fame themselves. Cause we all know that nowadays if you're just friends with a celebrity, you'll become one yourself. It's pretty dumb to be honest.

I carried my last box downstairs and walked it out to the U-Haul truck. I turned around and brushed my hands on my thighs. I looked up at my friends who were standing in front of me. We already had a big going away party at Nate's friends house where all his friends and all mine met up and partied. But right now it was only Leah, Lauren, and Spencer. They are my mains.

"I'm gonna miss you guys so much." I smiled sadly. We made some great memories all four of us together. We'd hang out every weekend or so just us four and we'd make the best memories in the world. We were the craziest bunch of people you'd ever come across. There were no friendships like ours.

I brought them into a big group hug as we all stood there sadly. I can't imagine ever finding another group like us four. I guess I'll have to find other friends though obviously. I'm glad they never befriended me for fame, they were always true.

I mean seriously, do you know how many fake popular girls that I've gone to school with since Kindergarten who never talked to me before and then now that I am Vine famous they decided, "oh, let's be friends with Cora so we can be famous too!". Yeah, that's just one of the many things that changed with school.

"Thank you guys." I said sincerely as we pulled away from the hug.

"For what?" Leah tilted her head.

"Being true friends. Not just being friends with me because of Vine." I said.

"No problem Cora. I mean we are proud of you, but we could care less if you were Vine famous or not." Lauren said.

"I mean it's cool to have a famous best friend but we'd still love you if your not." Spencer said making us all laugh. I was just about to say something when my mom, who I was still mad at, cut me off.

"Cora, it's time to go, say your final goodbyes." She said. I didn't respond instead I just turned back to the girls and they laughed at my anger.

"Don't hate her forever Cora, you never know when you'll lose her." Leah said giving me a big hug. That kinda hit me. Leah's dad died when she was eleven and I was there for her the whole time. It really made Leah realize how short life is, and it is short. I can't hold this against my best friend. My mom is my best friend and I love her beyond words.

"Thank you, if you never said that I wouldn't realize how dumb I'm acting." I laughed hugging her again.

"You're welcome." She smiled. "I'll miss you best friend. Text me and call me everyday okay?" She said.

"I will, I promise." I laughed. "I'll still text y'all in the group chat." I smiled. I moved on next to Lauren and gave her a big hug.

"Don't forget to mention me to Taylor." She winked.

"Oh, I already did. Next time I go to Magcon I'll give him your number." I laughed.

"Good. I'm holding that to you." She said. I gave her an "ok" hand sign and then hugged Spencer.

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