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BYR: There is a big time skip from January to June so just so you don't get confused with what is going on. AND THE AUTHORS NOTE IS VERY IMPORTANT.

"You did not." I laughed as a cold substance went on the tip of my nose. I looked down crossing my eyes to see that Nash had put frosting on my nose. We were currently in his kitchen making cupcakes, or at least attempting to. We kind of failed after multiple tries because mister Nash cannot cook for his life.

"Oh, but I did." He smirked coming over to me. I laughed as he wrapped his arms around my waist gently. I looked up at him due to the height difference, and smiled like a big idiot.

"Kiss me." I whispered to him. He smiled slightly before attaching his lips to mine happily. Our lips kept moving in a perfect sync and I loved it. The kiss meant everything, because it was from the person I love, not just some guy off the street. We always had the kisses where I'd just melt into him, and my stomach feels so light and full of butterflies.

The way our lips entwined and then he'd slowly bite my lower lip and how his teeth would slowly drag off of it in the end. It drove me crazy. HE drove me crazy. Everything he does I love, there is nothing this kid could do to make me stop loving him, no matter how hard he tried there was no way my love for him would die.

"I love you, Cora." He said out of breath.

"I love you, Hamilton." I smirked. He then let go of me and lifted his hands up in the air walking off.

"I'm done!" He joked. I laughed and chased after him, my socks sliding on the hardwood floor.

"Baaaabee, come on!" I whined hugging on to his waist as he literally dragged me because he kept walking and I didn't. We literally are the most dysfunctional weird ass couple in the entire universe.

"Nah, you called me Hamilton, we're through. I'm making it Twitter official and everything!" He smirked as he sat on the couch.

"Twitter official and EVERYTHING?!" I mocked him jokingly.

"Yeah, just sent it out now." He smirked as he tapped his phone and hit the lock button. I then felt my phone buzz so I picked it up off my lap and looked at it to see Nash tweeted.

"@Nashgrier: She called me Hamilton, looks like I'm single now ladies, hmu"

I gave him a playful glare and then typed back to him and tweeted it.

"@CoraSkye: @Nashgrier, wow you made it Twitter official and EVERYTHING. You go get those ladies mr. playa"

He looked up from the tweet and then dropped his phone tackling me into him. He held onto me tight a gave me a bunch of pecks all over. I squirmed to get out of his grip as I laughed hysterically. I leaned my head back a little and then gave him a full kiss. I loved our relationship so much.

"So, Mr. Steal Yo Girl vine with me, you, and Hayes?" He smirked over at me as we were cuddling on his couch. I had my head in his lap as he played with my chocolate brown hair. Skylynn was watching Frozen on the TV, because that is one of her favorite movies and then Hayes was on his MacBook doing whatever.

"I don't know...I was gonna go play horses with Sky, she's my favorite Grier ya know. I love her." I smirked teasing him. He picked me up and sat me on his lap and brought my face close to his. I had the biggest smile on my face as he did that.

"But you love me more, way more." He said attaching his perfect lips to mine. We kissed in a perfect sync, moving our lips against each others. It was the best, his kisses were always the best. The fact that I've only kissed 4 guys in my lifetime, doesn't give him much competition. Even if I kissed a million though Nash would be the best one because I'm madly in love with this boy.

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