twenty two

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"GIRLS NIGHT, GIRLS NIGHT, GIRLS NIGHT!!" I cheered excitedly. I haven't gotten to hang with my girls in forever, I'm beyond excited. I walked in with a huge ass bowl of popcorn. We were in my home theater in the basement and we were about to turn on some comedies. Yeah you're probably like, wait why not chick flicks? Well we're not basic soo...

"Guys, we have to get a group picture." Bella said.

"Agreed." I said. "C'mon hoes!" I called out grabbing my T3i. I set it up on the counter and we all posed in different positions. I was in the very middle and I had my arms hung around Lindsay and Bella, I had my tongue sticking out and my eyes were closed. It looked a lot cuter than it sounds. Lindsay did a serious face because she's dumb and Bella did the fierce sign and then Jenna did a peace sign as she had her arm around Bella and then Marissa hung on to Lindsay and made a big smile with her eyes closed.

The timer counted down and then the flash went off. We check the picture and all agreed it was perfect. I then got solo pictures with the girls. With Lindsay I was kissing her cheek as she popped out her cheeks and did a semi duck face thing with her eyes shut, Lindsay was like my Leah, I was closest to her out of all of them.

With Bella we did one where she had her arm draped around me and we were hugging as we were laughing. With Marissa we were doing a simple smile and we were hugging. Jenna and I then did one where she had her arm around me and she was smiling and then I had my tongue sticking out.

I took all of them and put them on to my phone as we all watched the movie. I made a quick collage, added filters, then white sides (no pun for Jacob intended) and then posted it to Insta and Twitter. "@coraskye: finally gettin' some time with my girls 😋💁💖 @marissachanel @jennstagram @lindsayking @bellagarrett"

I went back to the movie and we eventually got tired watching those so we decided to do the feature rating game that they played in 'Angus Thongs and Perfect Snogging' where they rated certain categories about a person anonymously. I got Bella first and it said; eyes, mouth, nose, teeth, figure, overall. Here we go.

I gave her eyes a 10 because they're super green and yellow, her mouth got a 5 because small lips, her teeth were 10 because they were naturally perfectly straight, her nose was a 7, her figure was a 9 because she's super skinny and has curves at the same time, and then overall was 8.

I eventually went through everybody and then got my paper back. I read carefully each review. One said; eyes: 7, mouth: 10 (they also put 'because dsl's), nose got an 8, teeth got a 10, figure got a 10, and overall was a 9. Basically each went that way.

"Well thanks guys, really loved whoever added on dsl." I said sarcastically.

"That was me." Lindsay smirked raising her hand.

"But I'm sure Nash likes your lips a lot." Jenna smirked nudging me.

"Yeah Cora, tell us..." Bella pushed on.

"Tell you what?" I asked confused.

"How far you and Nash have gone!" Marissa said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

"Alright alright, as long as you guys tell me how far you've gone with a guy first." I smirked.

"Well we all already know I'm not a virgin, so that clears my board." Bella said.

"I gave a guy in our group a blow jay once." Lindsay said.

"Ooo, who is that?" I smirked.

"Caleb, moving on now." She said with pink cheeks.

"I've had oral." Marissa said.

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