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Nash and I walked back to my hotel room hand in hand and I stuck the key in the door and opened it up. Matt was out with Carter so it was just Nash and I. I walked ahead and threw the key on the entertainment center before falling back on the bed in a snow angel position. I was comfortable for a little bit but then Nash jumped on top of me making our lips not even an inch apart.

"I love you." He told me, his baby blue eyes staring into my emerald greenish blue eyes.

"Not more than I love you." I told him with a foolish smile.

"Doubt that." He said. He then just kind of fell on top of me instead of keeping himself up which I found funny. He rolled off of me and onto his back and then cuddled me into him. He was always so warm, I loved cuddling. Cuddling is my shit.

He started playing with my hair and stroking it gently as we just laid there in a comfortable silence until something popped into my head from earlier today when we were making the videos.

"Nash?" I said breaking the silence. He turned his head over to me and looked over. I took a second to scan his perfect face taking it in, that I, Cora Skye am Nash's girlfriend.

"Hmmm?" He hummed.

"When are you going to tell me what I have to do?" I asked.

"Oh yeah!" He said. "Tomorrow we are going to be a cliche cute couple and wear matching outfits, matching bracelets, and be basically cheesy and cliche as shit." He said. I looked up at him again with a big smile and kissed him.

"I'm so glad you aren't one of those douche bags who when their girlfriend loses a bet they make her do something sexual." I told him.

"Not even close." He smiled. I laughed and kissed him again. He pushed me down and rolled on top of me propping himself up with his arms as we kissed. My hands rested where his somewhat abs were. I tugged at the bottom of his bright blue shirt and took it off of him as our lips broke for less than a second.

We continued our little make out session until Nash tore apart slowly and I laughed loudly at his swollen lips and then he laughed back at mine. But the laughing didn't last too long until his facials dropped and he gasped, before laughing yet again.

"What?" I asked, somewhat worried.

"You have a huge ass hickey on your neck." He started laughing. I gave him a death glare for like a minute before I got up and walked to the bathroom and turned the light on. I looked in the mirror and yup, there was right there a huge reddish purple mark on my neck. Oh joy.

I couldn't deny that I liked the hickey a bit, but at the same time I hate Nash so much for giving me the hickey. He walked into the bathroom and then hugged me from behind. I turned my head and looked back at him. It wasn't then until I noticed he had one too. Guess we're even. I gave him a big smile and unattached his arms from my waist walking back in the room leaving him confused as hell.

I walked over to see Nash's big tye die sweatshirt he was wearing earlier thrown on the other bed, when we were making out earlier. I laughed at the thought and slipped it over my head, Nash can just wear his blue shirt. He came out of the bathroom and then laughed when he saw me. I pulled my hair out of it's ponytail and covered the hickey with it. Between the sweatshirt and hair I think I'm good. Just Nash is fucked.

"It's covered up now, you still mad or NAH?" He said making me laugh hysterically.

"You're an idiot." I laughed in hysterics. "But guess what?"

"I'm your idiot?" He smirked.

"Nope, you have a huge ass hickey too." I smirked.

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