thirty two

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So since the deal happened with Nash accidentally calling me, I've re-evaluated things. I called up Ryan that night and we are supposed to meet up today and spend the day hanging out around LA, probably just going to The Grove and Urth and a movie or something like that.

I sent a text to Ryan telling him I was ready.

From: Cora Skye

I'm ready, you can come over any time now 😋👌 address is 918 S. Oxford Ave

From: Ryan Fenn

Alright, it'll be about 5 minutes :)

From: Cora Skye

Sounds good! I'll be waiting

I waited on the couch and went on twitter and instagram as usual. I followed a few fans and put out a tweet saying how I was hanging out with Ryan today, "CoraSkye: meeting up with @RyanFenn today! it's been too long, can't wait to see my boy!" I mean, it was cool meeting up but I wasn't as excited as I perceived it to be.

I instantly got replies from fans asking if he was a new guy and if I already moved on from Nash. I decided not to reply, that'd be too soon.

I then heard a knock at the door and I assumed it was Ryan. I walked up to the door and opened it to see it was him. He had his golden brown hair in a quiff and he had a dark navy shirt on and tan khakis with gray vans. He looked pretty spiffy if it were to be determined by me. He looked better than he did when I left him. I admit, part of me was slightly attracted to the new Ryan, I couldn't help it. He was way better looking. A whole year does a lot to someone.

"You look gorgeous Cora, you've changed so much." He smiled. "Brunette now?" I chuckled slightly at his words.

"Not as much as you Ryan, and yeah I got rid of blonde a while back. A good nine months ago." I told him.

"Well, I gotta admit. You're even more beautiful now, Nash is pretty lucky to have you." He admitted honestly.

"Thank you, but Nash and I broke up." I said quietly.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry Cora! I didn't mean to-" He started.

"Just leave it, you're fine. It is what it is." I smiled. He then relaxed and stuck his hand out for me. I looked down at it and smiled. I intertwined our hands together and we walked out of the door and I locked it behind us.

"Before we do anything else, I just want to apologize for everything I've done. You didn't deserve me cheating on you, and it took that mistake and you leaving me for me to realize that. I'm not saying I want to get back together because I know that you love Nash, and I don't want to block that. I'm just saying I want to be friends, and I want it to be back to normal like it was before we even dated in the first place, I miss those days a lot. And, I'm sorry for the whole twitter ordeal, it wasn't me. I was hacked by one of my "friends" and they did it all trying to get you back to me when I expressed to them not to. I've done a lot of growing up and maturing since we broke up and I hope you can accept my apology and we can be friends again." He smiled to me.

"Of course Ryan. Let's just forget it all." I smiled. "I have a question though..."

"Of course..." He said, signaling for me to keep on going.

"Well, Nash and I broke up because he hooked up with another girl. Well, not exactly. We broke up because he couldn't handle distance but he is in LA or something apparently because he hooked up with Alexa Dellanos, and he accidentally called me as he was doing so. So, I want to make him jealous." I told him. He signaled for me to keep on going.

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