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I heard my alarm go off, this time I changed the song, it was playing "Drive" by Miley Cyrus. I love Miley and Bangerz was amazing so I was kind of obligated to make it my alarm when I wake up. I picked up my phone and shut it off and then took my blankets off of me. The three blankets may I add, it was like maybe sixty degrees in my house. Ridiculous, I know.

I got out of my comfortable queen sized bed and walked into my ensuite bathroom. I turned the light on dim and then looked at myself in the mirror. I opened my drawer and pulled out my curling wand. I took little one inch sections of my hair and wrapped them around my wand and holding it for 30 seconds each.

Once I finished that, I put on some foundation powder and then my new bombshell mascara from Covergirl. It made my eyelashes extremely long. I loved it. Nine dollars spent well, I'll tell you that. I put on some EOS and then brushed my teeth. Once I finished the things I had to do in the bathroom, I walked over to my closet and grabbed my lace white tank and my denim long sleeve tee off of their hangers. I pulled them over my head and then walked over to my dresser where my dark washed denim jeans were. After that I put my red beanie on and then grabbed my phone heading down stairs.

I walked to the fridge and grabbed the strawberry smoothie mix in it's tube and then put it into the blender. I cut up banana slices and put some ice in and then hit blend. My other family members were all around the house getting themselves ready, except Molly and my mom. So basically just Nate and I and then my dogs of course moving around as usual.

Once the smoothie was finished I poured it into my Starbucks tumbler cup and then started drinking it. I also grabbed a piece of toast and then grabbed my bag off the floor. I put the straps around my shoulders and then walked over to put my white chucks on.

"Nate, hurry up!" I called up to Nate. Usually the girl takes longer, I mean I swear he's like a teenage girl. He's the popular jock so of course he's gotta impress the ladies. Me? I don't really care what the guys at my school think of me, especially now. I care what Nash thinks, but even then I still don't. If that made any sense.

"I'm coming, I'm coming. Calm your jets." He said as he walked down the stairs. He was dressed in a black obey hoodie and tan khakis with a pair of black vans.

"That's my line, don't take it ya line stealer." I told him with a smile played on my lips. We walked through the kitchen and left through the side door that led right to the garage. We walked around my mom's car and then got into his white Subaru BRZ. I plugged my phone in quickly before he did and turned on some Hoodie Allen, because perfection. Hoodie Allen over everything, no joke.

"THUMBS UP TO MY FRIENDS DRINKIN WHISKEY, PEACE OUT TO THE GIRLS WHO ALL MISS ME, MIDDLE FINGER TO THE DUDES BACK IN HIGH SCHOOL BECAUSE WE PEAKED AT EIGHTEEN COOL!!!!" I jammed out along with my brother. I was vining it because why not? It was a short fifteen minute drive to school so we got there about five songs later.

He pulled in to his assigned parking spot and we got out of the car and walked into the cool November air. We walked our way into the main entrance of the high school. We passed the competition gym and the main office before actually getting into the main hallway. He turned to the left into "B Hall" which was the senior hallway, and I kept walking down the main hall and into "D Hall" where the freshmen were.

I saw my friends in their usual spot they'd stand in. I walked up to them and surprised them all. I set my head on my friend Clay's shoulder. He looked over weirdly because it's not everyday someone just walks up to you and set's their chin on your shoulder.

"Cora's back! Everyone get out of my way!!" My best friend Leah yelled to our friends bringing along Lauren and Spencer too. It was around twelve of us. We had for girls Leah, Lauren, Hailey, Spencer, Alessia, and myself. Then for guys it was Clay, Seth, Will, Jeremy, Riley, and Connor. Leah and Seth were dating, Spencer and Riley were dating, and then Alessia and Will had a thing. The rest of us were single as a pringle. Hopefully I wouldn't be for long.

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