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"Right now we're in Dallas on our first stop of Magcon tour and what we're gonna do today is a little bit of question and answer.." He said. Just then as he finished saying that, Cameron flew in on the bed. Holy shit he's hot. Sucks I don't stand a chance because he's 18 and I'm 14. Sad, sad life I live. "And also we're gonna do a little would you rather as well..Alright, who's the first question?" He asked.

I raised my hand and grabbed Nash's phone from him and read off the question.

"Would you rather eat a bucket of my poop, or a bucket of my vomit?" I asked in a weird ass voice. Jesus, and I wonder why I'm single. Everyone made ew noises, including me and Matt said vomit and started talking about some random theory that vomit isn't waste like poop is because it didn't go through the acids in your stomach. Whatever he means by that? I don't know, I have no clue.

"Matt, vomit is the acid's in your stomach." I laughed.

"Well, regardless I'm going with the puke." He shrugged. Everyone would not stop getting up and down and moving around which probably was irritating Matt, but I found it hilarious. Shawn then took his phone out and read the next question behind the camera.

"Would you rather lick moldy cheese off a homeless person's foot-or ankle-" He said as people like Nash cut him off.

"Oh my god that's disgusting!" He laughed loudly as I looked up and "sshed" him.

"Orrrrr, you get a million dollars, you live in a big house in your favorite place in the world, and you get a sexy girlfriend or in Cora's case boyfriend." He said.

"Definitely the cheese." Sam and I said.

"I'm gonna have to go with the cheese."

"Wait, that's unless my boyfriend is Beau Mirchoff, cause then I'd for sure choose the mansion one." I said. Just as I said that Cameron and Nash both smack camed Matt with shampoo. Everyone chorused a bunch of "ooh's" and "oo's" as Matt stood up. Matt smiled in defeat as we all laughed hysterically sounding like dying whales. Cool.

Just as this was all happening, Bart came into the room to check up on us. We all instantly calmed down and smiled at him like a little kid who is up to something and trying to hide from their mom.

"It's not what it looks like." Matt said. Bart just shook his head with a smile before leaving again. Basically once that happened everyone instantly went back to doing smack cam's on each other, and currently Aaron, Shawn, and myself were yet to be hit. I knew that even though I'm a girl, I'm not safe. They'll still do it, just not as hard.

But meanwhile, Nash has gotten down both Matt and Cameron so obviously he has a bounty on his head. Just as he went to sit down and grab something off of the nightstand thing, he hit his head on the lamp shade. Oh, Nash you idiot.

"AHA!! I SAW THAT!!" I laughed at Nash and everyone else did too.

"Geez Cora, you're too nice." He laughed as he clutched his head. I laughed and walked over to him.

"Aw, poor Nash." I said in a baby voice. "Let me kiss it better." I teased before kissing his head jokingly.

"Oh, Cora.." He said.

"Hmm?" I asked.

"I think I hurt my lips too, can you kiss them better?" he flirted with a smirk as I chuckled. I brought my hand up to his cheek patting it lightly.

"Poor, poor Nash. You think I'd kiss you." I said making everyone laugh. Just as that happened Sam got hit super hard. Everyone made yet again a huge deal about it and laughed hysterically. Even though Nash had sounded like a dying seal as he laughed, in a weird ass way, it was adorable when he did it.

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