twenty eight

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I flipped through the channels on the TV that was in the living room of my current apartment, well I was actually crashing with Andrea Russett and Jenn McAllister for the time I was in LA. They were sweethearts, we were talking online for a while and we finally met up. We're all kind of like the three musketeers.

The girls were at a taping of their show on Awesomeness TV and I was gonna go but I'm exhausted from all the modeling and photo shoots that Silvio had me doing. I haven't had a break since I moved to LA. Even though I missed Nash a lot, I was contemplating on moving out here or not. I mean I had a place to stay and a job to do.

Jenn and Andrea actually have been trying to get me to stay, and so have all the other youtubers. I mean I've become great friends with all of them in the past two weeks and it's crazy how sweet and welcoming they are. I love them all so much. I just really need to talk to my parents about it before I do the big move.

I also think California has kinda changed me for the better. For example, back in North Carolina I was doing some things I shouldn't have. Not that I did a lot of bad things, but I shouldn't have done certain things. I mean I smoked weed, and the worst was a week or so before I left for LA I drank.

The story behind that is that my parents went up north a bit to a lake house for the weekend and see, Jack has a big cabinet in the finished basement with tons of alcohol, like you name it he had it. So, I was with the girls, Nash, and my brothers, and Hayes. We were bored so we went downstairs and we saw it and we thought, why not? So basically I got completely wasted on borderline to alcohol poisoning.

I just think some things back home are bad influences and ever since I came to LA I've been surrounded by all these other people that have made such great effects on me. Especially Jc, he's so go with the flow and humble and he just always has a good vibe around him. They all do, and I've been a better person since. I loved it in Cali. I mean, this weekend I was off so I'm going to Chino Hills and staying with Cameron, I needed some big brother time.

"Coraaaa! We're back!" Andrea called out to me.

"Oh, hey guys! How was filming?" I asked as I turned around. Well spun around, we still don't have furniture.

"Great, but we wished you were there." Jenn pouted jokingly.

"Maybe next time, Silvio has booked me 24/7. It's crazy." I sighed in exhaustion.

"How do you even eat?! Like I eat every time I breathe and like what." Andrea said making us both laugh.

"I haven't been able to! Like maybe a granola bar or something here and there, but I haven't had Taco Bell in two full weeks. I'm dropping pounds like there's no tomorrow." I said.

"When are you off?" Andrea asked.

"Friday through Tuesday." I said.

"When you wake up we are taking you to Taco Bell, got it?" Jenn said.

"Yes queen." I said jokingly with a dramatic tone.

"I need to film a video though, how long is your shoot tomorrow?" Jenn asked.

"8 to 10." I said.

"Alright, we will pick you up from it tomorrow. We're taking you to Taco Bell you do not have a choice." Andrea smirked.

"Oh god." I laughed. "I'm off to my room, I need to call Nash." I said.

"Oooo...." They teased.

"Oh Andrea, you have no room to talk!" I laughed walking in my room. I fell back on my bed and then grabbed my phone and typed in Nash's number that I happened to memorize. It rang two times at the most until he picked up immediately. He was anxious to answer, I thought to myself.

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