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"Thank you to everyone who came! It was great to be able to do this! See you guys tomorrow!" I smiled into the microphone before running off stage. I waited for all the guys to walk off to and it wasn't long until they did. We all gave each other high fives and then headed back to the room.

I linked arms with Sam and Jc and we all walked to the elevator hopping in. The boys were so pumped though and they could not shut up. They were shouting, jumping, yelling, talking, you name it. But after a couple minutes of that, we finally reached the hotel room. Everyone started walking in, including Nash, but I pulled him back towards me.

"You didn't think I forgot right?" I smirked at him as he sighed shaking his head with a small smile playing on his lips. "We'll be right back guys!" I called to everyone.

"Don't do anything we wouldn't!" Taylor joked.

"So that means anything." I laughed. I grabbed Nash's hand and he moved it around so our fingers were intertwined. I looked up at him and smiled. We walked our way to the rooftop garden to talk in all privacy.

"Explain." I instructed as I sat on the pillows that were placed out there.

"I had to go get something in my room." He shrugged. I gave him a look saying that I was clearly not convinced.

"I don't think you're telling me everything." I said eying him. "Come on Nash, I'm your best friend. You can tell me anything and you know that." I said grabbing his hand. He pulled me closer to him and then cuddled me in. I nuzzled my head into his neck and wrapped my arms around him.

"I can't tell you anything else, there's nothing to tell Cora." He said casually.

"And you are being 100% honest with me?" I asked him.

"Cora.." He sighed.

"Nash, I'm just saying." I said with a sigh. "Nobody just leaves randomly looking so upset and then comes back late to something that big acting like nothing happened, when clearly something did to make them leave so long. I'll give you 1 minute to explain it all or I'm just going back to the room." I said. He sighed loudly before propping himself up on his elbow.

"It was just a personal problem Cora, it had nothing to do with anyone earlier. I'm not kidding." He said. I could tell he was lying, I didn't want to ruin anything with him after just one day so I didn't go on. "But I never had a scowl on my face, how would you even know?"

"Well one, the tone of your voice. But two, your eyes. Your eyes are a dead giveaway. I can read them like an open book Nash." I said. We talked about a few more things before we decided it'd be in our best interest to go back to the room to get some good sleep. Once we reached the room Nash and I bid our goodbyes to each other and went into our separate rooms. But before we did, I told Nash something.

"By the way, when they said Matt and I were being loud, they didn't mean sex. Last night he kept stealing all the blankets so I yelled at him and this morning I called him into the bathroom to take a picture for Instagram, I just happened to do both of those things loudly." I said with a laugh at the end. I'm a loud person.

"Cool, night gorgeous." He smiled giving me a kiss on the cheek

"Night, handsome." I smiled back.

Once I shut the door I turned around putting my back against the door and sighed deeply. I looked up and saw Matt standing in front of me with his arms crossed, a smirk playing on his features. I gave him a weirded out look and walked past him and laid down on our shared bed doing a snow angel position, or as Taylor likes to call it, submissive position. Weirdo.

baby blue eyes// n.gWhere stories live. Discover now