thirty seven

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"Wait what?" I asked my mother in confusion.

"You need to go to the airport now and get a ticket, you are coming home for a few days. It depends on what will happen." She said shortly and sharply.

"But mom, I have things I'm planning. What is so important?" I asked.

"Nate and Taylor are in the hospital Cora! It's not looking good at all, so get your ass back to North Carolina now! No questions, you can bring Nash but that's it!" She shouted angrily. I immediately started rushing to get inside. I told her a quick goodbye and left Shawn confused.

I ran into the apartment in a rush freaking everybody out, but I didn't care. Tears were streaming down my face hoping that whatever was happening to my brothers, that it wouldn't be bad. I grabbed like two things of Nash's and then put it with mine. I zipped it up quickly and then took it out in to the living room.

"Guys, I have to get back to North Carolina right now..." I said wiping the tears. "I don't know what's going on with Nate and Taylor but they are in the hospital and I'm gonna be there for a few days depending on the turn out." I sighed sadly.

"I'm coming with you." Nash said immediately as I finished. He got up and walked over to me and then gave me a big hug as I cried for a couple seconds.

"Good, I packed your stuff in here. Let's go." I said quickly. I waved goodbye to everyone and Nash and I rushed to the airport. To our luck, it was only five minutes away so we were there soon. I went up to the lady and insisted two tickets on the next flight to Charlotte.

We got it quickly and rushed through security. Once security worked out for us we went to our gate and boarded just in time. I walked through the crowded isles with Nash right behind me. Our seat was in the first zone and in the beginning so it wasn't that hard to get there.

Once I was in my seat I sat down and inhaled a sharp breath and let it out. I don't know what to think. She didn't tell me anything at all. All she said is that they were in the hospital and it wasn't looking well. If I lost one of them, I'd lose myself. They are my other halves, especially Nate. If I lost Nate-I can't even think about it to be honest. I can't.

"Babe, I know you don't know anything yet and I know it's hard. But it'll be okay." Nash said cuddling me in to him and kissing my forehead softly. I gripped on to him and cried in his chest, and I didn't care at all if people could hear, their problems aren't my worries.

"I just-I'm scared Nash. What if one or both of them don't make this?" I asked quietly.

"They will both make it Cora, just don't give up in believing that. I love you, alright?" He spoke softly to me.

"I love you too, thank you for being here for me." I smiled and kissed him. I ended up falling asleep eventually and it calmed me down a lot. I need to do that too, I can't keep worrying myself and stressing myself no matter how scared I am for the two.

As soon as we landed Nash and I made our way through the airport and hailed a cab to the airport. The drive from the airport to the hospital was about 20 minutes which irritated me seeing we already just wasted six hours on a plane, and I haven't seen them yet.

Once we got there I immediately got out of the car not even waiting for Nash as I walked in, or jogged. Your choice. I walked up to the counter that the woman around her twenties was working at. She had a pink nurses outfit on and she had her blonde hair in natural curls as she typed away on her computer.

"Excuse me." I told her.

"Yes?" She asked.

"I'm here to see Taylor Alexander and Nate Zedler." I told her quickly.

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