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"Alright kids, be safe okay? And Nash, keep an eye on Hayes like always." Elizabeth said to us all.

"Got it madre, I will." He smiled, I laughed at him calling her madre. They're not even mexican nor do they speak spanish. Nash takes French with me.

"Okay, now you better go before you miss your flight. Bye boys I love you! Bye Cora!" We all chorused a goodbye to them and the boys said 'I love you too' back at her. Hayes got out first and then I followed behind him and then Nash got out on the other side.

The three of us walked into the airport making our way to security immediately. We did the routine we had to go through for that and then made our way to our gate, but of course stopping at Starbucks first. Pretty obvious, I mean Nash and Hayes are typical white girls. I ordered a large lemonade, Nash got a chocolate chip frappe, and Hayes got a berry hibiscus drink.

After we finished there we headed to our gate and chilled out. I sat in-between the two boys and my head was rested on Nash's shoulder as we all conversed with each other. Hayes was telling us about him and what's been going on with him and his ex, apparently she is giving him crap. Probably because she's mad that she isn't dating a "celebrity" anymore.

It was nice to listen though. I never really get to talk to Hayes. Hayes does remind me of Nash though, a lot. They share a lot of similarities. Their eyes, although Nash's are a bit brighter and bluer, Hayes' are more so icy grey and blue than just pure baby blue like Nash. They speak in the similar accent, even though Hayes has a bit more of a southern twist to his.

"You know Hayes, I'd just tell her to leave you alone and get over it. If you've been broken up since August, it's weird that she still won't give it up. Tell her you're over her or like you found someone else or something." I said.

"But I haven't found someone else..." He said.

"But you're over her, so just tell her that." I said.

"Good point, thanks Cora." He smiled.

"Aren't you glad I don't have a psycho ex?" Nash joked around.

"Yes Nash, I am very glad you do not have a psycho ex." I laughed.

"Alright guys, my question is when are you two going to give it the title?" Hayes asked. We looked at Hayes and then at each other and then back at Hayes before laughing aloud.

"I'll leave it to you to answer that." I told Nash with a laugh.

"I'm not answering." He laughed putting his arms up. Thank the vine gods, we were saved by the bell. Or the lady over the intercom, whichever you prefer. We laughed and grabbed our things before leaving to board our zone. I couldn't help but thinking back to Hayes' question. Why didn't we give him an answer? Why couldn't we give him an answer?

I decided to shake it off and forget about it. I over think some things way too much, one of those things being Nash and I's relationship. I got into my seat, and took the window seat then Nash entered in after me and then Hayes was on the outside. I opened the shade and brought my laptop up onto the tray and turned it on.

I clicked on the array of movies I've downloaded and put on Now You See Me, because Dave Franco. I put my headphone in one ear and then gave the other to Nash as I set my head on his shoulder cuddling a little closer to him and getting comfy. I clicked on the movie and then quicktime opened up. Quicktime opened and the movie started playing.

Hayes was occupied in his own movie and meanwhile Nash and I enjoyed ours. Our hands were intertwined as we did so. We didn't get to watch all of the movie because the flight was only an hour and a half but it was alright. We got our stuff and hopped out of the plane and through the airport. We were the first ones to DC so we just went to the hotel and then decided we'd meet the boys there.

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