twenty nine

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I waited around the small airport for Cameron to pick me up. I decided instead of wasting gas, I'd take the plane. I mean I won a free plane ticket a while back, so why not you know? I finally spotted his grey charger and I ran towards it quickly.

I've always been really close to Cameron as well as Matt. Cameron and I got along better after I started dating Nash because Cameron ALWAYS made visits out to see Nash, and of course since I'm always there he and I got along better and became way closer than before.

He got out of his car and stepped up on the sidewalk before being attacked by me in a big hug. He picked me up in the air and spun me around. It was nice to see Cameron again, especially with all the Nash stuff and him and I being off, it's good to get my mind off of it for a little bit.

"I missed you so much Camstagram." I told him making him laugh. That was my nickname for him since forever ago.

"Not as much as I missed you Coco." He smiled at me. We chatted a bit longer until he took my bags from me and set them in the backseat. I got in the passenger and we drove off, but not until I took a selfie of us. It was required, we were reunited.

We both decided on peace signs with our tongues sticking out, it was adorable. I added a filter and white sides and then posted it on Insta and Twitter captioning it "@coraskye: reunited with the bestest friend ever, love ya @cams_instagram"

After I posted it, of course, a bunch of people freaked out on me and kept asking where Nash was and if I was dating Cameron. Like yeah, Cameron is hot as fuck, but I would never ever date him. He's like a big brother to me, and you don't date your brothers, do you?

Since I'm addicted to 8tracks, I plugged my phone in to Cameron's car and then played a mix I recently found on there. It was funny because it was a Magcon inspired one, so it was based on my best friends. This one was called "summer with Jacob". I looovvvveeed the songs on it a lot.

"Chloe" by Emblem 3 came on and instantly Cam and I started jamming so I vined it, no shame at all. No shame at all. It was nearly 35 minutes before we were at his house, and let me say, damn. It was huge. Not that it was bigger than mine but it was borderline mansion size for sure.

"Race you upstairs?" He smirked.

"You're on, Dallas." I smirked back before we chased up the stairs, being me I won, of course. I turned back with a big smile to see him out of breath.

"Aw, is little Camstagram out of breath?" I smirked teasing him. He chuckled slightly and then picked me up and threw me over his shoulder and took me in to his bedroom and threw me down on his bed.

"You gonna play those games Ms. Skye?" He said.

"It depends Mr. Alexander." I smirked calling him by his middle name too.

"Well, if you are, that means I will have to tickle you to death." He said.

"Do it, I dare you." I challenged, and of course he did. I burst out in to hysterics and then got the most amazing idea ever.


"Wow, way to blow my eardrums out Cora." He laughed.

"Oh don't whine, you'll be fine." I laughed as he sat on top of me.

"So, what is your brilliant idea?" He asked me.

"We do the best friend challenge. I will ask you questions about me that you have to answer and if you get it wrong, I get to pour water on you and vice versa." I told him.

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