forty two & read authors note

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"SAN DIEGO, SAN DIEGO, SAN DIEGO!!!" I exclaimed excitedly as I jumped up and down in the front seat of the rental car as Nash pulled up to the front entrance of the big hotel we were staying at. I was beyond excited to see all the guys again, it's been way too long.

We grabbed our stuff quickly and sent it on a random luggage cart. Nash checked us in to the hotel room we had on floor eight (sorry I had to bc that's where I met nash, ok keep reading now). We hopped into the elevator, literally hopped, and waited to get to our room. There were two combined rooms on each side of the hall, so four all together.

I was rooming with Cam and Nash of course. Bart chose the arrangements but I have a feeling Nash made Bart arrange that one out. I didn't mind though, I love Cam and Nash is my boyfriend so all in all it is a perfect set-up.

I opened the door to our suite and I smiled at the sight of the beautiful room. The interior was amazing to be honest, the neutral grays and blacks with the modern patterns. It all fit together really well. I lugged my suitcase over to the side of the room where the window was and set it down before I walked out on the little balcony our room came with.

I looked around admiring the beautiful view of Los Angeles and took it all in. I'll be back in North Carolina soon anyways so I definitely wanna take any glance I have to my own advantage. After around twenty minutes of just staring out there, I grabbed my silver iPhone out of my pocket to take a panorama of it, and as I was about to none other than mister Nash Grier came along.

"Hi gorgeous." He smiled to me as he hugged me from behind.

"Hi handsome." I smiled back.

"Did you need help unpacking? Or are you not even gonna unpack?" He laughed slightly.

"I'm not gonna unpack." I said making him laugh. I mean, it's only three days anyways and I'm a very very lazy person as well so.

"That's fine." He nodded "But uh, everyone is in our room so do you want to say hi to them? I know you haven't seen some of them since the last Magcon and stuff." He said softly. Ever since Nate passed he has talked softer to me more. He would offer to do things more and stuff like that because of who knows why. Like yes, I am very sad still but I need to start doing things also.

"Yeah, that'd be great." I smiled to him. I hadn't seen any of the boys of Magcon since before Nate died, so I'm ready to prepare myself for their grief and sorrow. As I walked in I had a big smile and everyone else looked at me with a sorry smile.

"Guys, I'm okay. Give me hugs." I laughed at them. Instantly Matt pushed them all out of the way and brought us into a big huge hug.

"It's okay, you know...Not to be okay." He whispered to where only us two could hear it. I'm sure I'd get something from Nash later, but I wasn't worried about it. He knew where Matt and I stood, where we stood in the start will be the same as we stand in the end.

Matt rocked me back and forth in our hug and I laughed a little bit before I squeezed him back in a milisecond. I pulled away from Matt and then looked over to see Nash and he was just on his phone ignoring what Jack was telling him, which I found rude. Like dude, you know I don't like Matt like that, no.

"Guys, let's stop being all sad. Why don't we do something really fun?" I asked them "I mean, for god sakes guys we are in San Diego! No need to mourn with me." I smiled sadly.

"We just want you to be okay." Cameron said with care in his voice, Nash still ignoring us.

"Well, I will be. Now let's do elevator tag or some shit." I laughed with them. We then gathered around and chose our teams, since there was fourteen of us we had Nash, Cam, Shawn, and myself on one. Hayes, Carter, and Matt on another. Aaron, Jacob, Taylor, and Dillon on another; then Jack, Gilinsky, and Sam on the last.

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