forty one

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Nash and I were walking out of the ice cream place and going to an empty picnic table to sit on outside. I got a pistachio ice cream and Nash got a german chocolate because he's boring. We took our seats and ate our ice creams in a comfortable silence, until he made his way into conversation.

"I like this." He told me not making eye contact.

"Like what?" I asked curiously. At this point he finally made eye contact with me, revealing his bright baby blue eyes.

"This, us being able to be alone. No fans, no family, no friends. Just us. I mean yeah we get time alone at home but never out in public like this." He said honestly.

"It is eleven thirty at night." I laughed, ruining the little rare moment of seriousness we had.

"But still." He laughed.

"I know what you mean babe, I feel the exact same. I seriously love when we can be alone, I love it more than food." I told him.

"That's a lie." He laughed.

"Okay, okay. More than Vine and stuff." I smirked at him with a little chuckle.

"That's more honest." He nodded. We kept on joking around until we finished our ice creams. We got up and Nash grabbed my hand as we swung them back and forth while we skipped to his rental car he got. It was my favorite, a Dodge charger.

He opened the door for me and then got in himself. I plugged my phone into the auxiliary cable and then started going through songs to choose. It took me a while, but I ended up choosing Rude by Magic. I nodded my head along to the song as I held Nash's hand loosely.

"So, I've been thinking..." Nash spoke out of nowhere.

"Oh god." I groaned. Usually that is never good, I mean the last time he said that he was all messed up and drunk and said "I think we should take a break" like, no Nash. You're drunk go home.

"It's not bad, babe. We've done things similar to it before, we've considered it before too." He said, and then I knew what he meant.

"Oh, I know what's up now." I said in sudden realization.

"And I wanted to do this soon, but I want you to be okay with it." He told me, squeezing my hand tighter.

"I am, I'm ready. If you are then that's even better. I'm glad you didn't rush this though." I told him honestly. He was a true gentleman. Nash has never really forced me to do something unless it bettered me. If it didn't, he wouldn't dare try to force me into it.

I was ready for this, and I've been wanting to do it for a few months now. We've been building up to this step by little small things so I think we were pretty comfortable to do it for the most part.

"So, back at the hotel room then?" He smirked at me making me laugh hysterically.

"Yes, deal." I laughed and then we kept driving back to the hotel. After the short ride we walked in to the lobby where a good swarm of fans were waiting for us. I don't know how they found our hotel, but they did. I think all the fans thought that Hayes was with Nash and we weren't just alone.

The fans are probably confused for the most part, most think Hayes is in California and he's not. They are also under the impression that I'm just hanging out with Nash and going home tonight. Little did they know though.

We walked hand in hand to the elevator saying hi to a couple fans on the way. A good three or four were stuck in the elevator with us so they of course asked for a selfie and told us we were cute together. The usual stuff us two always hear from the fan base.

baby blue eyes// n.gWhere stories live. Discover now