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We walked out the doors of the hotel to head to our limo, which wasn't there yet. Wait, what? I blinked my eyes a few times and looked to see vespas. Both white. A big cheeky smile appeared on my face as I looked over at Nash who was already looking. I can't help but keeping falling in love with this kid, he does so many little things to impress me.

"You can pick yours first, babe." He smiled. My heart just melted. He called me babe. It's not the first time but still, I melt every single time from the beginning and even after that. I smiled and kissed his cheek before getting on the one that stood on the right side. Nash smiled and got onto the left one.

"So, where are we off to in these amazing transportation devices?" I asked jokingly.

"That my love, is a secret. Just follow beside me and you'll find out." He said. I laughed to myself before going along with it. We started driving off and it was then when I realized that DC is gorgeous. The view was great and we were just on the street. Crazy.

Before I knew it we were parked in front of a huge ass fountain. Huge. I looked over at him questionably and raised an eyebrow. He got off his vespa and reached into the glove box under the seat and brought out a big container of soap. He didn't.

"That doesn't mean what I think it means, does it?" I smirked.

"Depends on what you think." He flirted.

"Well...Soap and water. I'm assuming we are pouring the soap in the fountain?" I smiled widely. He nodded at me with a smile before handing me the huge soap and then grabbing himself one. We were just about to put in the soap before I got an idea.

"Nash..." I said.

"Hmm?" He hummed.

"No picture taking tonight...We spend too much time documenting our lives to actually enjoy it, and I don't want this all over twitter. It would ruin how special it is to me." I said. He smiled and walked over to me closely. He turned me to face him and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I promise babe, just as long as you promise me something too." He said.

"What is it?" I asked.

"One, is to give me a kiss. Two, is to not say no tonight, no matter what we do or what I ask you, all tonight is full of is yeses." He said.

"Got it." I smiled before standing on my tip toes and kissing him slowly and softly. He cupped my face with his large hands to deepen the kiss by bringing me closer. It probably lasted a minute before we pulled away with smiles. We were so at the honeymoon phase right now, and we're not even together.

"Now let's get back to begin badasses." He smirked. I laughed and pulled apart grabbing my soap again. I wonder if Nash knew this was on my bucket list...Ha, probably not. Only Matt saw that. But then again, I could see Matt doing that and showing Nash so he could choose something like that.

Actually, wait. The vespas, the fountain. I can't really say that I know for sure, but by the end I will definitely know if this was based on my bucket list, and if it was? I'd freak out in happiness and melt because that is literally the sweetest thing a guy can do. In my perspective at least.

We squirted soap all over the fountain and bubbles instantly started forming in the water. I was laughing way too hard. It was a good 15 minutes we spent there before we headed back on the vespas to the next "mystery location". Before I knew it we were in front of a salon, I was a little confused at first but then he explained I'm getting ombre, which I've been dying to get.

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