forty four

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(I know it's long but it's mostly the author's note making it so long, but it's also the last chapter so I made it longer for y'all)

After we got the news, Shawn and I discussed a few things before we immediately decided to tell our friends. I was a little afraid of Nash's reaction, but I knew everyone else would be happy for us and would support us on our decision to go on tour.

"They're in there, are you ready?" Shawn asked me as he gripped my hand.

"I am if you are." I said squeezing it tightly before letting go.

"Well, here goes nothing." He said before opening the door to a rambunctious room of teenage boys going crazy. There were a couple girls there as well, I'm assuming girls that a couple of the boys brought along. That sometimes happen when we go to events, I don't mind too much.

Shawn made a fake coughing noise, immediately getting everyone's attention.

"Guys! You're back, you've been gone forever!" Aaron enthused.

"Yeah...What were you guys up to?" Nash asked matter-of-factly with his arms crossed. I don't think he was still moody, I just think he was curious.

"Well...Hmm..." I started. I then looked over at Shawn. "On the count of three?"

"Sure." He nodded. We had them countdown to three and then we announced it.

"We were invited to go on tour with Austin Mahone!" We both said at the same time, claps and cheer instantly following. The boys all brought us in a hug, except Nash. As the guys were giving Shawn a "bro hug", I walked over to Nash and hugged him tightly as he hugged me back tighter.

"Why aren't you happy?" I asked him with a frown.

"I am..." He said playing with my fingers.

"You sure aren't acting like it. I thought you'd be happy for me that my career is taking off." I told him sadly.

"I'm happy for you! But, you'll be leaving me. I'll miss you, and what if you forgot me?" He asked vulnerably.

"Nash, listen here and listen good. I could never forget you, ever. I love you with all my heart and nothing can change that no matter how many miles apart we are. There is no other guy out there for me and I've told you too many times, you are the only one for me. Forever and always." I told him grabbing his face and kissing it softly.

I pulled apart from Nash's embrace and went to everyone else to be congratulated by them.

"So, when did you get the call?" Gilinsky asked as we all chilled out.

"A few hours ago. Fifth Harmony and The Vamps will be there too!" I enthused, I loved The Vamps, maybe Brad a little more than them all but still. I also loved Fifth Harmony, Camila is my life. Like I want to be her best friend.

"I'm not really surprised to be honest, I knew you both would go on tour one day." Matt said honestly making Shawn and I blush and smile.

"Did you guys tell your management and record label yet?" Cameron asked.

"We told Andrew (Shawn's manager in real life) and Island Def but Chad doesn't know yet." I answered. Weird right? The guy that is like two floors away from me isn't aware of it but the two that are on the other side of the country in New York know. The way Shawn Mendes and Cora Skye tell people news, ladies and gentleman.

"I'm so excited for you guys, but I hate you at the same time because you're leaving me." Taylor said.

"Aw, you'll live Taywhore." I joked hugging him. My friends did seem very happy for me but I could tell some were also a little disappointed to not have Shawn and I around anymore. I mean, I don't know how long our tour is going to last. We may go on this tour for the summer, and then go on another, who knows.

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