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"Magcon was so fun! I want to go back!" Cora shouted excitedly making me laugh. I had my arm wrapped around her casually as we were still standing backstage.

"You sound like a magcult Cora bora." Matt laughed. I admit, sometimes I do get a bit jealous of Cora and Matt's friendship because I do worry they might fall for each other but then I remember what both of them told me. They'd never date, ever. They said it'd be awkward and weird because they're like brother and sister.

I mean, I trust both of them by all means. But I'm just me, and I have a bad habit of worrying about pointless and dumb things.

"Nash...Nash....NASH!!" Cora exclaimed with a laugh as I popped out of my thoughts.

"Hmm?" I hummed looking down at her.

"You literally zone off so much, are you high Nash?" She joked.

"Not yet." I smirked down at her as she slapped my chest.

"You idiot." She laughed. "Although, as long as you share, I'm cool with it."

"Oh my god you two." Cameron laughed. We both looked at him laughing and then went back to walking back to our rooms. A few fans were waiting for us and were buried into their phones so they didn't notice us walking by. I mean, we love them to death, but we just snuck by up to our rooms. Oops.

We hopped in the elevator, literally, we acted like frogs or something and hopped into it. Don't even ask. We got to our rooms quickly and even though it was nearly ten, I still wasn't tired. Cora literally was acting like she was on adderal, but I promise she wasn't.

Yes, Cora has smoked weed before but that's it. We seriously weren't kidding about the pot stuff. I mean we don't do it all the time, it's kind of on occasion. Like sometimes when it's all of us we'll smoke some, we just don't do it everyday of our lives.

I still remember in one of my videos my eyes were super red and bloodshot, but I wasn't high. I was super tired from all the flying back and forth and jet lag. But even though I wasn't the fans we're all like freaking out because they thought I was high. It's pretty funny to be honest.

Cora let go of my grip and plopped herself on the lazy boy in the corner and went on to her phone. Everyone was kind of chilling right now and doing their own thing so I took this as a chance to get Hayes and I in private. I tapped the thirteen year olds arm and got his attention. I pointed my thumb behind me and he caught on instantly. Brother to brother telepathy, bet you and your little brother don't have that.

"What's up Nash?" He asked as we shut the door.

"So I got a question for you..." I said.

"Hit me." He said. I took this as a free card to hit him, so I did. "What the hell?! Not literally!" He exclaimed with a laugh.

"No but seriously, I was wondering if you could stay with Matt tonight?" I said.

"Why?" He laughed confused.

"So it'll be just Cora and I." I said as he wiggled his eyebrows.

"Ooh killem Nash." He teased.

"Not for that you dipshit!" I laughed. "We're just gonna watch movies, and it's hard to just be alone for a bit." I said.

"I got you bro, don't do any bad stuff though." He winked.

"Oh, I promise Hayseeboo." I teased him. He HATES that nickname. He gave me a glare and walked into the room again leaving me laughing behind him. I walked over to where Cora was sitting on the chair and sat on her lap. You'd think it'd be the other way around, nope, not with us. We're not a typical couple, we're actually probably the weirdest one you'll find.

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