twenty seven

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I packed up the last few things in my over large suitcase before zipping it up. I took it off my queen sized bed and walked it out of my room taking it to the bottom of the stairs. I walked up back to my bedroom and fell back on my bed with a sigh. I turned to lay on my stomach meeting his gorgeous baby blue eyes.

"I'm gonna miss you." I told him honestly as I smiled sadly to him.

"You know, I talked to my mom and dad..." He said.

"Did you now?"

"Yeah, I'm gonna fly out there for a bit." He smiled.

"NO." I said in a "no way" tone.

"YEAH." He mocked back in the same tone. I jumped up excitedly and hugged him tightly, I straddled his waist tightly and wrapped my arms around his neck. He pulled back a little and connected his lips to mine. We started going at it in a perfect sync, leading to a full on make out session.

It was like our lips were meant to mold perfectly into each others. The way they fit blew my mind, and I could never EVER see myself with someone different than Nash. I used to think that about Ryan, but in a different way. I never had such strong feelings for someone like I did Nash. It was true love.

I felt my phone buzz under me in my pocket so I pulled apart from Nash slowly with my eyes still closed. It was a text from my manager about Cali tomorrow, she said it was important and that I needed to call her.

"It's my manager, I'll be back in a minute babe." I told him and gave him a quick peck on the cheek before getting up and walking out into the hallway to talk to her about whatever she needed to talk about.

Nash's POV

As I was waiting for Cora, I got a text from my friend Kyle. So of course I picked up my phone to see what he texted me. I put in 122813 into my phone and unlocked it. My password was the day Cora and I gave our relationship a title, best day of my fucking life.

From: Kyle

Dude, I'm not sure if you've seen this yet but I just found this picture of Cora and some other guy. He posted it on Twitter like an hour ago, I think you might wanna check it out. His twitter is stre55ed.

My eyes went wide and my palms started sweating. She told me earlier that she didn't cheat, so then did she lie? Or what was the deal? I mean I know Kyle, and we've been bros since forever, he wouldn't pull shit like that. But then why wouldn't Cora tell me? Well you idiot, usually when they cheat they keep it secret. But Cora and I don't keep secrets from each other. Actually, apparently you do because she hasn't told you.

Wait. Am I really having a mental debate with myself right now? Anyways, I went on Twitter and searched for his profile, apparently his name is Ryan Lane and he has five thousand followers. He wasn't a horrible looking guy, but he looked like he'd be a douche. I went down to his pictures, and that's when I saw it.

The picture of him and Cora, I couldn't explain what it was like or how it even made me feel. She looked so fucking happy it made me want to rip my hair out of my head and go drive off a cliff. She looked a lot happier than she looks with me.

What are you talking about Nash? Quit being an idiot. She loves you. Does she mind? Yes, you idiot. Stop doubting yourself.

They were facing each other and had their noses touching as there eyes were closed and they smiled at the same time. Their picture was black and white and edited so it's in a heart while there is a white background. The caption didn't make me feel any better about myself either.

baby blue eyes// n.gWhere stories live. Discover now