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I flipped through the channels on the TV sighing, as I couldn't find anything. I tilted my head in a different position on Nash's chest and then looked up at his baby blue eyes and made a small smile. I turned around so my chest was on his and I was still looking up at him.

"So, San Diego is in 5 days." I told him quietly as I slowly looked away and fluttered my eyes shut.

"Are we gonna go, princess?" He asked me with a very soft spoken tone.

"I don't want to hold you back babe." I told him seriously. He sighed and kept rubbing my hair slowly.

"You aren't. I think the fans will live without me at one Magcon." He said to me.

"Yeah, but this is the last one. After San Diego, we are gone. We're moving on with 26." I told him. "I think you should go."

"Not unless you do."

"Well, I have to do a photo shoot and go to lunch with the models and photographers Tuesday and Wednesday." I told him.

"So basically you have to be back by tonight or tomorrow morning." He told me with a sigh.

"Yeah, so why don't we book a flight right now and then go out to California tonight." I smiled at him as I sat up more and straddled his waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck and just sat there waiting for his response.

"But babe, before you go I have to ask you something..." He started.

"Hmm?" I hummed messing around with his hair.

"Instead of going back to their apartment, can we just get a hotel in LA until we go back to San Diego?" He asked nervously which made me laugh. It makes me laugh because he's so adorable when he's nervous. It always reminds me of when he asked me to be his girlfriend. He was so confident and carefree with anything we did romantically and then he just got all nervous and cute.

"Of course." I laughed shaking my head. I leaned closer to him and then gave him a little peck holding his face. "You don't have to be nervous, Nash."

"I know, I just don't want you to think that's my excuse to have sex with you." He said.

"Trust me, I know that when you want to have it, you'll do it wherever." I laughed at hormonal self.

"Hey!" He whined. I just shook my head with a smile and then walked in to my room and grabbed my laptop walking back downstairs quickly. I jumped on to the couch and opened the Macbook up and opened Google Chrome as usual. I opened up Delta's website and booked first class because I was in the mood.

I took Nash's credit card and typed in the number of his pin. Once it was accepted, the tickets were bought and I printed them off immediately. I handed Nash his card back and shut my laptop putting it beside me. Then I hopped up on my feet and stuck my hands out for Nash to grab so I could help him up, which kind of failed since I'm a lot shorter than him and smaller. I fell on top of him causing us both to break into loud laughs. It's been a while since that one has happened. He eventually stood up and we skipped, yes skipped, up to my room and started packing my suitcase.

I packed like ten different outfits because I was so indecisive about what to wear. I grabbed my essentials out of the bathroom and tossed them in the small little carry on bag. Once Nash and I were done at my house we said our goodbyes to my emotional family, and left.

It only took us about two minutes since we decided to just drive over instead of going on the boat. The boat is too exhausting with all the ropes and shit. We pulled up in the small little driveway of his house and then I tried to get out but he wouldn't let me. He smirked and got out leaving me dumbfounded until I realized that he was opening my door for me.

baby blue eyes// n.gWhere stories live. Discover now