twenty four

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"Okay guys. You know our ritual." I said sitting down on the ground in the circle with a bowl of popcorn.

"What, truth or dare?" Jack asked.

"Duh!" I laughed leaning my head onto Nash as he wrapped his arm around me.

"But no more making my girlfriend kiss people." Nash said, you could tell in his tone he was serious. And usually that is not often.

"Babe, it's alright. I don't love them." I told him giving him a little kiss. "You're the only guy I got eyes for." I smiled. He smiled back before he grabbed my face and pulled me in for a deep kiss. I smiled in it and kissed him back. We pulled apart quicker than we wanted because of the fact our friends were in front of us.

"Alright, who's starting?" Cameron asked.

"Spin the bottle and we'll see." I told him. He grabbed the bottle and spun it around the circle and it landed on Lindsay.

"Alright-" She started but then three shadows came from the front door. I was about to ask who they were until they turned on the lights revealing their faces.

"Guys, started the party without us?" The blonde whined jokingly. She was clearly intoxicated.

"Who the fuck are you?" Nash asked curiously. The innocence in his voice made me giggle, he didn't sound mad he was just REALLY curious as to why two blondes and a black haired girl were standing in front of us. The blonde that was talking was a good 5'11", model height, but she didn't have the model body or face. She was wearing short ass shorts and a crew neck.

The other blonde was wearing a white crop top and high waisted shorts, and she was thin and shorter though. She didn't have it caked surprisingly and neither did the annoying one. The black haired girl stood at a good 5'4" like me, and she was twig thin while she wore a maroon crop top and a black high waisted skater skirt.

"I'm Alexa, and this is Katie and Brit." She said.

"And who invited you?" I asked curiously "This is private property."

"One of the boys did, oh what was his name Alexa?" Brit asked, Brit was the brunette.

"Cameron, you idiot." Alexa said. We all looked at Cameron curiously.

"I only invited you Alexa, not Brit and Katie." He said.

"Can't they stay babe?" She begged him with the puppy dog eyes. Cameron looked over at me with a unsure questioning look.

"Sorry, we don't have enough room for extra people. Thanks anyways though." I told her with a fake smile, I did not like her one bit. She gave me a cold glare and walked up to Cameron and whispered something in his ear.
She then walked out the door making me sigh happily, which made the other boys laugh along. I'm not a bitch and I promise you that, it's just when I don't like someone I don't like them and that's it.

"Mmm, someone didn't like them." Shawn teased.

"Hell no I didn't, sorry if she's your girlfriend Cam but I don't like her at all. I have a bad feeling about her." I told him truthfully.

"I don't like her friends, they're dumb bitches." He said making us laugh, oh Cam, no innocent.

"You do know that she is just like them right?" Taylor said.

"Says the tool." I smirked at him as he gave me a joking glare.

"Yeah she is, but she's fun." He said. I rolled my eyes like a 13 year old girl would at that. I didn't expect Cameron to say something so degrading about the girl, even if I didn't like her, it was still degrading and rude. Nash saw me tense up and so he grabbed my hand and squeezed it telling me to drop it. So I did.

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