twenty three

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"Baaaabbyy, wake uppppp...." Nash called out as I slept in my queen size bed. I groaned and faced away from him but that just made him walk around and face me again. I soon felt a pair of plump lips touch my even plumper ones. I instantly smiled in the kiss and opened my eyes.

"You're such a faker." He pouted standing back up from his kneeling position.

"Nah, babe come lay with me..." I whined as he started walking away. He laughed and then walked towards the bed and lifted up the covers and layed in next to me. I instantly cuddled in to him and I could smell his scent. It was unexplainable, the only way to describe it is 'attractive boy'. Nash smelled like attractive boy. (a/n: yes that is actually what he smells like, that is my only way of describing)

"I wanna lay here all day, just us." I whispered to him tiredly.

"I do too babe, but we're going to stay at the cabin with the guys." He sighed.

"Gaaah, we never have cuddle days." I sighed sitting up but he just pulled me back down, making me smile widely.

"We will as soon as we come back from Cali, I promise." He smiled down at me as he was propped up on his left elbow.

"Pinky promise?" I asked. He chuckled and stuck out his pinky, intertwining it with mine.

"Pinky promise." He smiled bringing our hands up to his lips and kissing them. I smiled with a slight laugh and tore the covers off me getting up. "Mmm, loving the view babe." He smirked at my spandex shorts.

"I'm dating such a perv." I said shaking my head and walking away. I walked in to my ensuite bathroom and started getting ready. I pulled my hair out of it's ponytail letting it fall in perfect natural waves. I opened my drawer and pulled out my foundation, just as I was about to pour it I felt arms wrap around me from behind.

"I love you." Nash whispered in my ear kissing my neck with little wet soft pecks.

"I love you too." I smiled at him through the mirror.

"So, since you love me will you do me a favor?" He asked. I turned back and looked at him curiously.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Don't wear makeup today, you are beautiful and I don't like it when you wear it." He said. I looked at him as if he were a crazy man on crack. Did he really just say that?

"Nooo, I look horrible without makeup." I told him.

"Why do you think that?" He asked.

"Because I do." I told him.

"Please babe, just for me?" He asked as he started kissing my neck, sucking a little making sure to leave a mark because he's a little asshole.

"Giving me a hickey isn't gonna help you idiot." I laughed to him. He chuckled against my skin sending shivers down my spine and he pulled away leaving one more kiss.

"Please babe?" He asked, well practically begged.

"Fine, fine, I'll do it. You're lucky I love you Hamilton." I said to him.

"WHY? EVERYTHING WAS GOING SO PERFECT AND THEN YOU HAD TO CALL ME HAMILTON. LIKE WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? GOSSSHHHH!!" He exclaimed making me laugh. I loved how much he hated when I called him Hamilton.

"It is your name soooo..." I told him as I put toothpaste on my toothbrush.

"Nash is my name, thank you very much." He snapped sassily.

baby blue eyes// n.gWhere stories live. Discover now