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"For the lady." Nash smiled opening the door for me.

"Why thank you, sir." I curtsied and walked forward making him laugh like a maniac. We do that a lot around here.

"Come on lovebirds, quit the weird foreplay and start walking! I ain't getting any younger!" Cameron joked.

"One, ain't isn't a word, and two, you're only 19. You've got a long life Mr. Dallas." I smirked dragging out the "long" part.

"She's not wrong." Aaron shrugged as he walked pass us. Cam just shook his head in defeat and walked forward, me following behind them all. We walked to our exclusive table that was in a room in the back of the restaurant which was closed off and took our seats.

As I sat I couldn't help but notice how unbelievably fancy and modern this restaurant was. I've never been to Dallas, or Texas even, but damn they had some nice restraunts for sure. I took my seat next to Nash and Carter was on my other side. The waitress soon came to order our food and I couldn't help but feel insecure around her. She was tall, blonde, blue-eyed, basically any guys dream girl. She was also probably 17 or so, I'm sure the guys would much rather have her over my 14 year old potato self.

I stuck to my usual order and got a 'shirley temple' and everyone else got their drinks they wanted. We all chatted up about nothing imparticular, we were just really enjoying ourselves for the time we had together. It was crazy though.

I have only known all of these guys, except Matt, for less than 12 hours and I feel so safe and comfortable around all of them. Maybe it was how humble and nice they were? How they were close to my age? I mean I'm the youngest but still. I just could consider them all my brothers and it's so great to feel this way seeing I'll be on and off tour with them for a while now. But there's just one boy I could never see as a brother.

You guessed it, Nash Grier.

I grabbed my phone to take a selfie with Nash for our "fake relationship" trick we came up with, well he came up with. He probably got the idea from Katie and Sam when they did that a while back. I gotta give them props for it, I wouldn't have known it was fake if they didn't tell me. I tapped on Nash's shoulder and he turned around to face me with his lips tucked in tight. He looked down at the phone and then noticed my idea.

He nodded simply before leaning in closer and making the dorkiest face in the world. He made a sassy face as if he were about to snap his fingers and go "mhmmm". It was the cutest thing I've ever seen. Before I could take the phone to tweet it, Nash took it from me himself. He started tapping away rapidly with a goofy grin on his face before he gave it back. I looked carefully to see what he wrote.

"@CoraSkye: dinner in dallas with the cutest boyfriend in the world @Nashgrier :)"

"This is gonna be perfect." I laughed. "Such a cute little boyfriend." I teased pinching his cheeks like a grandma would to her grandson.

"Oh, so you're one of those girlfriends?" He teased with a wink. I rolled my eyes and laughed. Nash was great company and I was having such a great time with him, but then I remembered. It's not only us.

"So everybody, how has Dallas been for you guys so far?" Bart asked as we all chorused a bunch of 'greats', 'goods', or 'amazings'. "Well, I don't want you guys up too late tonight alright? Tomorrow we will be having V.I.P. and only certain groups are allowed in and you will be there for a good four hours, and then Saturday is 8 hours or more, it depends on the turnout, and that is everyone and then Sunday is the same." He said as we all nodded.

"Will there be food breaks. That is all I need to know." I said in more of a statement than a question as if demanding that I'll get food. I love food ok. But of course everyone laughed at my question as Nash put his arm around my shoulders. I lightly smiled to myself trying not to let him see it.

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