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On the next day I stood in the café as planned. Not many people were gathered here. It was just a nice and quiet mood.

I sighed when I thought about the reason why I was here. I hated Jimin.

I'd only seen him one time, maybe five or six months ago in the house of my adoptive parents.

He was really quiet and introverted. He'd sat quietly on the couch the whole time and had looked at his feet. He was a little bit creepy. But I'd never really talked to him.

He wasn't adopted like me. I knew, he was only living in the house of my parents.

But I didn't know why.

My mother came in the shop and greeted me with a lovely hug. We sat at a table and ordered a cocoa and a coffee.

I'm glad you had time. she said with a wide smile.

I nodded and looked down at my hands. I really didn't like the reason of our meeting.

We got our drinks and I warmed my hands on the hot beaker. The sweet smell of hot chocolate in my nose made me unintentionally hum. I took a sip and looked at my mom.

You know, Jimin has been living in our house for only six months.

I nodded again and hoped this talk would end soon.

You have a big apartment so your dad and I thought, it would be a good idea to... she stopped as she saw my wary glance.

What is it mom? I asked roughly.

We thought... he could maybe move to your place.

I stared at her in pure shock with my mouth wide open.

H-he... yo-you... Why!? He can get an own apartment! I countered quickly.

You know we need to have an eye on our money. And he'll be a trainee soon, so you'll work at the same place. she said with a sad shrug. 

I bit my lip and looked down at the table. I don't like him. He's a creep.

Don't say things like that! my mother objurgated me. He is a really nice and cute boy. I'm sure you'll like him sooner or later!

But mom! I shouted loudly. I have no time! And you know I don't like people around me! He would only bother me. I looked at her with a sad and unknowable glance. You can't do this to me, mom!

She sighed. I'm sorry, Jungkook. But this is the only possibility for us. She smiled a bit. And I'm sure a little bit of company will be good for you. You're a loner and I'm really worried about you. You bottle every feeling up and like it to be alone. You didn't even try to make friends. But I'm sure you'll like Jimin.

I took a huffish nip on my cocoa and clenched my fists. They're going to force me to live together with a creepy, underaged boy. A boy I didn't even really know.

I bit my lips and huffed as I looked at her. And when is he going to come here?

In two days. she answered and smiled with an apologizing smile. I am sorry I didn't call you earlier. But you never have time.

I choked at my cocoa und coughed roughly. Wh-what!? Two days? I stared at her with wide opened eyes and ignored the weird glances of the people next to us. I don't even know him! And I don't want to live with him either! You can't do this to me! I said again with a miserably undertone.

Please, Jungkook. Try to understand our situation. He's going to be a trainee and we don't have enough money to pay an apartment for him. You have enough space for two and you're going to work at the same place. This is just perfect.

I leaned back with a pouty look and crossed my arms. I hated it to lose.


I'm sorry ;-; It is so short

But the next chapter is going to be longer :-)

Anyway, thank you 4 reading

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