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Did you know Jimin can actually dance? I asked Hoseok as we sat together in the practice room.

He laughed loudly. You realized it only now? He looked at me. I told you before.

But I didn't believe it until I saw him dancing one of my choreographies.

Hoseok nodded. Yeah, he told me he tried to dance one of them. He smirked. And I guess you're impressed.

I'm not. I countered quickly and scoffed. I took one of my crutches and stood up. After the accident in the bathroom I got one of this annoying things and needed to walk with them. Even if I hated it. The performances for the next weeks were cancelled because I couldn't dance with my hurt ankle.

The door opened and Jimin and Taehyung went in. Taehyungs eyes widened as he saw my crutches and stared at me. Oh, Jungkook-sshi, what happened?

I shrugged. I slipped in the bathroom. I gazed at Jimin. And it's only his fault!

Jimins eyes widened as I pointed at him. M-my fault? he stuttered. I-i wasn't even there when it happened.

Yeah, but I thought about y- I stopped quickly as I heard my own words. I couldn't confess that I thought the whole time of Jimin. I-i thought about the six ugly bastards and things like this... I muttered sheepishly.

Hoseok nudged me with his elbow and raised his eyebrows. Really? he asked.

Shut up, hyung. I yelled and rolled my eyes. Yeah, I called him hyung. But only because he urged me to do this. Like Taehyung who wanted to speak formally to him but Hoseok always said he should call him hyung.

Do you have lunch time? Hoseok asked the two trainees.

Taehyung nodded. Yeah, Hoseok-sshi.

The older male grimaced at the words of the younger and sighed. I said you should call me hyung! Taehyung scratched his head and stared on the ground.

I guess you don't like me. Hoseok said teasingly and crossed his arms.

Taehyung looked up and shook his head. N-no. he muttered and looked helplessly at Jimin who stood next to him.

Jimin only shrugged and looked at me. I sighed as response. Just go to the cafeteria and eat something together. I need to talk to Jimin. I said and looked Hoseok. He smiled immediately and dragged Taehyung out of the room.

Jimin looked at the ground and played nervously with his fingers as he waited for me to say something.

You can relax. I said. At first I wanted to say that we are not going to celebrate Christmas because I don't do things like this. And second, I wanted to help Hoseok-hyung in his relationship with Taehyung. I looked at the smaller boy in front of me. So no Christmas tree, no gifts and no mistletoes!

Jimin looked up and seemed sad and disappointed. Don't look at me like that! I said quickly. Don't try to manipulate me!

Jimin shook his head slightly. I'm not. I'm just sad. He bit his lip. We've never celebrate Christmas at home... I thought I could do this at least once... he mumbled quietly.

I shrugged disinterestedly and limped with my crutches out of the room. Life isn't fair. I just said and shut the door behind me.

I met Hoseok after the lunch. We met accidentally behind the building as he nearly bumped into me but stopped at the right time. Oh, Jungkook. he shouted surprised.

I tried to find my balance on the damn crutches and looked at him. Walking with crutches was no fun.

How was it with Taehyung? I asked and leaned against the wall beside me.

Hoseok seemed immediately frustrated and sighed deeply. He still doesn't want to call me hyung! What do I wrong? Was I too harsh? Or too obtrusive? He groaned in frustration and ran with his hand trough his hair. I'm frustrated.

I chuckled. It's okay. Maybe he's just shy. I looked at him and breathed in. Can we drive home now? Or do we need to wait for Jimin?

Since I couldn't drive with my sprained ankle Hoseok needed to do this everyday. Of course he took Jimin with him. But he shook his head this time. No, he said he need to practice longer. So he'll walk home. Hoseok sighed. I just hope this trainees don't waylay somewhere. I nodded and we went into the car.

I was glad when I was finally home alone. I sprawled on the couch and closed my eyes. My sprained ankle had at least some good things. I was free for the next days and didn't need to practice.

It became evening and the sun disappeared behind the skyscrapers and houses while it became dark and gloomy outside.

I was about to fall asleep when the sudden sound of my telephone woke me up. I flinched and jumped off but fell immediately back because of my hurt ankle. I yelled in pain and cursed quietly as I picked up and muttered an annoyed Hello?

Is this Jeon Jungkook? A female voice asked.

Yeah, it is. I said bugged. Whats the matter?

It's about your mother. The woman said. She passed away.


To make some things clear: his biological mother died, not his adoptive ^_^

It was just a short chapter, the next one will be a lot longer

Hope you like it :D

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