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Ah, this is so tiring! I groaned and sat on the ground in our practice room. My shirt was full of sweat and my breath was loud and incoherent.

Come on, Jungkookie. This was just verse one. Hoseok encouraged me with a wide smile.

He called me Jungkookie even if I didn't want it. I don't like this nickname. I muttered and crossed my arms. Hoseok giggled and sat beside me.

I still didn't like him. But I got used to his presence. And maybe I liked it when he was trying to make me laugh. The company decided to make him to my choreographer.

I was disappointed at first but now I realized that he wasn't that bad.

It's lunch break. Let's go eat. Hoseok said and stood up. I nodded and walked behind him.

We went into the cafeteria and searched for a free table.

Hoseok looked at me as we sat down. He laid his chin on his hand and yawned. The trainees are having vocal training right now. he told me.

Hm. I made disinterestedly

There is a really cute boy. Hoseok continued.

Oh yeah, everyone loves Jimin. I responded and rolled my eyes.

No, no, not him. Hoseok smiled. Another one. Maybe you know him. The one with brown hair. Kim Taehyung.

I don't know who you mean.

The one who's befriended with Jimin. he explained.

Ah, that one. He reminds me of a dog every time I see him.

A cute puppy right?

No, more a chihuahua. I responded.

He groaned in disbelief. I think you need some glasses, Jungkookie. He's really cute. Like a... beagle or something.

The door opened. Some trainees went in und caught our attention. I saw Jimin and Taehyung walking there. We could see Jimins bruises on his face even from this distance. The two were talking when some other boys started to push Jimin around until he fell on the ground. Taehyung helped him to get up when two more boys were holding him back and pushing Jimin to the next wall.

I watched them curiously. Did they hurt Jimin so badly? Are this some bullies who like to beat other people up?

Jimin said something whereon the others laughed. He looked scarred and terrified as they were standing around him and pressing him against the wall. They said something and Jimin nodded quickly. Then everything went on like nothing happened. The other trainees walked away and Jimin and Taehyung continued their conversation. But they seemed a bit scarred now. Hm.

Did you see that? I turned around to look at Hoseok but he was gone. I turned my head and searched for him. Where did he go? Ah, this guy was driving me crazy too.

I got home really late as always. Jimin was already at home and prepared some food.

I watched him as he put something on a plate and gave it to me. He seemed to have pain in every area of his body. I bit my lip as I thought about what my mother would do when she would see him like this. She would certainly kill me. I knew she loved him like a second son. And she gave me the mission to take care of him. But my mom made one big mistake.

I. didn't. care. about. someone. else. than. me.

But I knew she would kill me if she would know about Jimins bruises.

I leaned against the door and watched the shorter boy.

So what did the other trainees to you? Did they hurt you? I asked.

Jimin looked at me with wide opened eyes and shook his head quickly. N-no.

But there were really harsh to you today.

He shrugged. I think they don't like me. But it's okay. The most people don't like me.

That's no reason to attack you.

He bit his lip and shrugged again. They didn't hurt me.

He lied. He was really obvious when he lied. It wasn't that hard to tell.

But I said nothing and ate silently the food he made.

I looked up when Jimin put his jacket on.

What are you doing? It's already 10 pm. I said suspiciously.

I'm just going to practice. he answered quietly.

I stood up and walked towards him. You don't go out now. It's too late. My mother will kill me if something happen to you.

He looked at me and bit his lip. I could see his inner conflict.

He put his shoes on and tried to get out but I grabbed his hands and pulled him back. No, you're not going out now. My mother will kill me!

He starred at me with big eyes. I saw fear and pain in them but I knew he didn't feel like this because of me. There was an other reason.

Let me out. he begged quietly and tried to get out of my grip.

Not until you tell me the truth! I insisted. Don't get me wrong. I don't care about you. I would be glad if you get lost. But my mother wouldn't be. So don't go out and tell me the truth!

His lips started to quiver as he heard my words and he looked down on the ground. I-I'm only going out to practice.

I scoffed and hardened my grip. Don't lie!

I'm not lying.

You are. You're a liar. And now tell me the damn truth!

He got out of my grip and rushed trough the door outside. I cursed as I saw him running down the stairs and outside. Come back! I screamed but he didn't hear and ran into the dark night.

F*ck. I mumbled and bit my fingernail. My mother was going to kill me for that. She would be so angry of me. I sighed and put my shoes on. I needed to follow him.

But where was he going?


I removed some parts from chapter 10 so Jungkooks feelings and the upcoming storyline are a bit different now

Hope you like this chapter :D

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