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Morning sunlight broke through the window and caressed my skin. The heating worked on full level, causing the kitchen to become cozy and warm.

I smiled satisfied as I looked at the brownish pancake in front of me. The frizzling sound of the stove and the food on it dominated the room, predominating even the music which played in the background.

I sighed relaxed and leaned back onto the table, crossing my arms in front of my chest. I wiped my face with the back of my hand, causing a stripe of flavor to remain on my left cheek. Today was Sunday which means that I had the whole day free time. Jimin as well.

He was the reason why I stood at 8am in the kitchen and tried to prepare breakfast for us. This was normally Jimin's part but when I woke up today, spotting him beside me, looking so small and vulnerable in his sleep. I didn't want to wake him up. So I decided to make breakfast, not waking the precious boy up.

I was still a little bit awkward with the new mindset of my own. I tried to care for another person. Even if I refused it for so long. This time I wanted to reassess everything. I wanted to change.

So I stood here, making breakfast or at least I tried it.

This was my first step to climb up the ladder. I hope you'll like my new mindset, Jimin. I thought silently to myself and smiled dreamily.

As a scream of my name dragged me forcefully out of my thoughts. I looked up, smelling the sharp und dominant smell which burned my nostrils and my throat.

I coughed immediately and covered my nose and mouth with my hand, trying to wipe the black fume with my other hand away.

I was still covered with confusion as I saw Jimin opening the window and throwing something away. I ran towards him but he was already setting the empty pan down, turning the stove off.

What happened? I asked still confused with wide opened eyes.

The food burned. He said and looked at me, his eyebrows were knitted. So I threw it out of the window. Is everything okay with you, Jungkook-sshi? He asked, his small hands grabbed the fabric of my sleeve.

I looked slowly down to his grasp and felt my heart beating faster. I-i'm okay. I just forgot to look at it. I guess I'm not good at cooking. I said and laughed awkwardly, looking to side.

Shall I help you? He asked suddenly and I looked at him, seeing his innocent eyes. I nodded and smiled a bit.

But after some minutes everything ended with me sitting on the chair behind Jimin and watching him doing all the work with preparing the pancakes.

I looked at the smaller boy, smiling happily to myself. He wore a cute white-blue striped apron as he made the pancakes for us. Music was still tootling in the background. The former song ended and a new one started, filling the whole kitchen with cozy feelings as "Dream" by Baekhyun and Suzy started to play. The smell of sweet pancakes and winter was in the air, the heating making everything comfortable warm like a tight hug. And if I wasn't sure I am awake I would literally think this was a dream.

Because everything seemed just so perfect. The morning was except of the little failure of my cooking skills perfect.

Sitting in the warm kitchen, winterly feelings outside, the luscious smell of hot pancakes everywhere, soft music playing in the background and lastly the man I had fallen in love with fluffy wool socks, a big blue hoodie which was too large for him, covering the mid of his thighs, showing his pretty legs and the beautiful brown coffee eyes I had fallen for first. Wasn't this the best way to start a day? To maybe start a whole new chapter in my life?

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