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Ten days. Ten days with Jimin in one apartment. And I still didn't like it.

I didn't take him with me to work or drive him back home. He stayed longer than me in the company. I guessed he still tried this dance move. And I was sure he still failed.

I was laying on the couch when I heard the sound of the door. Jimin went in and rubbed his eyes tiredly. I ignored him... as always.

He walked into the kitchen and I heard something boiling after few minutes. This was the only good thing he did. He cooked for us. And I couldn't deny that it taste really good.

I got up and went into the kitchen to ask what he was cooking. But I stopped immediately when I saw him.

I stared at him with big eyes as soon as I saw the bruises on his face. He sat on the chair and tried to vet the cuts on his hands. Jimin looked up and flinched as he saw me. He tried to hide his hands but I grabbed them furiously and he yelled in pain.

What is this? I asked him and hold his wrists tightly. He whined quietly as I pressed my fingernails into his flesh.

N-nothing. he muttered with a squeal.

Don't lie to me!

He whined and looked at me with a painful expression on his face. I let him go and made some steps back.

Jimin rubbed his wounds softly and gave me a frightened glance. He bit his lip and pressed his hands on his chest.

Who did this to you? I asked insistently and looked at the deep bruises on his chin.

He shook his head. N-nobody. I-i fell down the stairs.

Sure. I scoffed and crossed my arms.

Jimin glanced at the food which was boiling on the stove and bounced nervously with his feet.

I-i need to make dinner now. he mumbled quietly and started to chop some vegetables.

I looked at him with an overstrained expression but he ignored me and continued his work.

I scoffed in disbelief and went out of the kitchen. Idiot.

I glanced at my cellphone and saw a message on it. I opened it. It was from Yoongi.

YH: Hey, let's meet

—>where? I wrote back.

YH: Tomorrow in this café, I invited some friends

I was sure Hoseok would be there. But this time it didn't matter to me.

—>I'll be there

And I was there on the next day. I waited in front of the small building and smiled as I saw Hoseok and Yoongi. Hi. I greeted them. We sat on a small table and ordered some drinks.

Hoseok looked anxious around and bit his lip. What's wrong? I asked.

I also invited someone. he said. But he didn't come yet.

A waitress brought our drinks and I leaned back.

So... I heard Jiminnie and you live together. Hoseok looked at me with raised eyebrows.

Y-yeah. I stuttered surprised. We do.

Yoongi scratched his head reflexively and looked out of the window. I knew a Jimin from back then in Busan. he told us.

Hoseok smirked a bit. Hm, funny, I invited a Jimin. I stared at him with wide opened eyes. You invited Jimin?

Of course. Why not? He glanced at me. I know I shouldn't be that curious. But it seems like you don't like him.

Of course I don't like Jimin. I answered immediately and shrugged. He's annoying.

Hoseok seemed a little bit shocked and surprised at my words. Jimin isn't annoying at all. He's really cute and nice. He's one of the most hardworking trainees.

With the difference that he's untalented. I countered.

Hoseok groaned in disbelief. Did you ever see him dancing? He is incredibly talented. And also really well-behaved and always on time.

I scoffed. And why isn't he here?

Hoseok bit his lip. I laughed a bit and stood up. I'm going home now. See you.

Why do everyone love Jimin? I asked myself as I went into the apartment. He isn't famous, pretty or talented. The people were used to love me. But everyone was talking about this little, shy boy. I sneered as I walked trough the apartment but stopped in front of the bathroom. I heard the sound of water and guessed Jimin was in there.

I knocked at the door and the water sound became silent. Jimin? What are you doing in there? I thought you were invited by Hoseok-sshi. I said.

It was completely silent and I knocked again. Jimin! Answer me.

I heard a sniff from the inside. I-i'm sorry. I w-was learning for school and forgot the meeting. His voice sounded broken and hoarsely.

Let me in! I need to go to toilet. I commanded.

I-i'm showering. he responded quietly.

You're not. I hear when you're lying. Just open the damn door!

It was silent for a while. Then I heard soft steps and someone opened the door.

I breathed out as I saw him. Or better as I saw his bruised face.

The eyebrow over his left eye was swollen like his chin. His right cheek was dark blue and red while his eyes were swollen from crying.

I stared at him in shock and he looked down on the ground. I'm going into my room. he whispered and walked away. But I grabbed his arm and pulled him back.

Who did this to you? I asked again and pierced him with my eyes.

His lips started to tremble as he averted his gaze.

Nobody. he answered again.

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