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Hey, what are you doing!? Taehyung asked loudly as I grabbed his arm and dragged him away. He tried to escape from my tight grasp but I didn't let go and pulled him with me.

Jungkook-sshi!! He exclaimed loudly and stamped his feet into the ground, causing us to stop. I turned around and looked at him with furrowed eyebrows.

I have dance training in some minutes. I need to go. He explained and freed from my grip around his arm.

I'm your dance teacher, so it doesn't matter if you're late or not. I said and grabbed his arm again.

Stop it! What are you doing? Taehyung asked and narrowed his eyes.

Yeah, what was I doing? I really wanted it to know either. It was just an impulsively idea to drag him with me only to talk to him.

After I was walking in the city, seeing the shops that were already prepared for christmas.

Seeing the christmas trees and the parents with their happy children everywhere, made me realize that christmas was soon already. Only some weeks until the big day.

And I didn't know why but the realization transferred me in panic and guilt. Jimin told me once he has never celebrated christmas before and wanted it to do it just once. But I prohibit it, making him sad.

And this was the point. I made him sad. Even if my mission was to make him happy to make myself feel better.

I looked at Taehyung and sighed deeply. Okay, this was probably a crazy idea for me but maybe Jimin's best friend could help me.

So... Christmas is soon. I said and looked at him. Taehyung nodded and crossed his arms And... I should ask from my mother what Jimin wants. I told him slowly and gulped. My mother didn't ask me. I wanted to ask. But Taehyung didn't need to know my desperation of finding a present for Jimin.

Oh. Taehyung said and grinned. So you're are asking if I know what Jimin wants.

Not I! I countered quickly. My mother.

Taehyung nodded but had a smirk on his face. He shrugged slightly as he looked at me and gave me an apologetic look. I don't know it either. I didn't ask. He looked at the ceiling and seemed to think about something. But I can ask him.

That would be great. I said and smiled slightly. But please hurry up. My mom wants to know it as soon as possible.

Taehyung smirked again and raised his eyebrows as he looked at me. Yeah, I'm sure "your mom" wants to know it.

I scoffed at his words and tried to ignore it but Taehyung didn't make it easy for me. He slid carefully closer to me and smirked. Hm, Jungkook-sshi. Is it possible that you have slightly started to like my best friend?

I widened my eyes in shock at his words and stared at him. Taehyung wiggled sassily with his eyebrows and came closer. I pushed him away and scoffed in disbelief. What are you thinking, Taehyung!? I yelled embarrassedly and looked away.

Nothing. I just saw the gazes between you two at the sleepover in Hoseok-hyungs apartment. I saw you blushing. He pointed towards me and smirked again. You see, you're blushing again! Red like a tomato or a fire truck.

I'm not blushing! I exclaimed roughly and narrowed my eyes in anger. That's anger.

However. Taehyung shrugged. You can't denial that he's pretty. I'm his best friend. I know this. He has a really beautiful character. And he's good at dancing and singing and he's very cute. Especially when he smiles. His eye smile is the cutest. And there are a lot of other good things on him. Sometimes I think Jimin is one of the best persons I'll ever meet on this earth. Taehyung sighed deeply and looked at me. If I hadn't a crush on another person already I would definitely like him. But I'm fallen for someone else.

I got uncomfortable at the way Taehyung had gushed about Jimin and I was glad he gave me the opportunity to talk about something other. Who is your crush? I asked and smirked this time.

Taehyung looked away and smiled. I'm not gonna tell you. It's a secret.

Secrets exist for getting debunked. I said and didn't avert my gaze.

No, they aren't. Please tell nobody that I'm having a crush and I won't tell someone that you ogled at Jimin, okay?

I didn't- I started to exclaim but cut myself off with a sigh. Okay, okay, but know hurry up or I'm gonna be mad that you came too late for my lesson.

Taehyung giggled and started to run towards the practice room. I kept the slow pace and sighed. Still deep in thoughts.

The lesson was annoying because of Taehyung. Every time I looked at Jimin to watch his dancing I spotted Taehyung glancing at me with a sassy grin. I rolled every time my eyes as response but he just giggled and continued his work.

I was glad when the lesson was over and I headed into the cafeteria. As soon as I got my food I looked for a free table until I spotted Jin sitting next to Hoseok. I walked towards them, placing my tray on the table and sat across Jin. 

And then I responded "Why are you so sad, it's just table tennis." Hoseok continued his story and Jin laughed with his high pitched sound.

I stirred with my spoon in my soup and sighed deeply. Both of them looked at me. Oh, that doesn't sound good. Hoseok said and smiled at me. I sighed again, this time with a slight nod.

Another girl problem? Jin asked with raised eyebrows.

I looked up and placed my spoon beside the plate, furrowing my eyebrows. Someone said I ogled at Ji-... this girl. I pouted. But I didn't! This person also said we exchanged noticeably glances with each other. I scoffed in frustration.

Jin laughed and sighed. Ah, did you talk with her about that? he asked.

No, of course not! I said immediately, maybe a little bit too fast.

Hm, Jungkook... I didn't get it. What do you want to know from me right now? Jin asked with a slight smile.

I looked at him, biting my lip. I wanted to know this either. Taehyung's words made me unsure. At the sleepover some days ago I was sure that the interactions between Jimin and me were just playful and a little bit awkward. But it seemed like it looked like something more for the others.

Maybe they had just the false impression of this. But maybe... I was the one who get it wrong and didn't see what I was doing there.

I...I'm just unsure if it just looked like this or if I didn't get the seriousness of the situation. I don't know... maybe I'm just crazy, maybe there was nothing. I sighed deeply, burrowing my face into my hands.

Ask her for a date. Hoseok said suddenly and I looked surprised up.

What did you say? I asked.

Hoseok shrugged and took a bite from his pudding. You told me the same. If you're not sure about the thing between you two, ask her out for a date. Hoseok laughed at my shocked face. You're a man, Jungkookie! Make the first step. I thought you always said you're adored by all women, hm?

I bit my lip and looked down. Then I nodded. Okay, I'll ask her for a date.

Or to be honest I'll ask "him" for a date.


Sorry for this short chapter but it's a double update this time and the next chapter is much more longer :D

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