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3 months later...

When I first opened my eyes this morning I could feel that I was alone. The space next to me was empty.

The unfiltered light of the sun broke curiously through the window and greeted me good morning.

Since it had become spring the mornings started earlier and the sun was warmer than before. I loved the warmth and was even more excited for my favorite season summer to start. But right now I could only pout as I looked at the empty blanket next to me.

Tiredly, I rolled around and embraced the abandoned pillow with my arms, inhaling the fading smell of the most precious person in my life.

Sleep was still overtaking me as I could hear the door of the bathroom opening and closing. Only a few seconds later someone opened the room and entered.

Don't make yourself so fat. Move over. I could hear Jimin complain in a playful tone as he saw me lying on his side of the bed.

He stemmed his arms into his hips when I laughed at his reaction, his freshly dyed black hair looking disheveled even after his poor attempt to tame it with his hands.

There is still enough space for you. Come here. I said and opened my arms for him to enter.

Jimin rolled his eyes jokingly before he let himself fall into my arms and onto my bare chest, getting straightaway embraced by my arms.

You idiot. I could hear Jimin mumble against my neck, his warm breath grazing my skin.

I chuckled and kissed his hair. You're the idiot here.

We were still as happy as on the first day. Even after all of this months nothing had really changed between us. The only thing that had really changed was the fact that we'd moved into another apartment.

It was smaller and in another not so showy part of Seoul. But it was perfect for us.

The huge window with the overarching view of the city was now a smaller one with the beautiful sight of the roofs of our neighbors' houses.

Although everything was a bit smaller now our new home didn't lack in anything.

It wasn't only mine anymore. Now it was our apartment in Seoul.

I looked at my boyfriend in my arms, feeling how we both smiled as we gazed at each other. The stripes of light painting a beautiful glowing pattern across his face as his eyes shone more than the sun.

We were happy. And that was everything that was necessary.

I love you. I spoke, holding our eye contact.

I love you too. He replied sincerely.


The air was sweet. Several flowers were blooming and the bees were buzzing happily. The warm spring breeze was nosing our faces as Jimin and I walked through the colorful streets of Seoul.

The time of winter was over and spring was coming now.

All of the heavy trees were filled with those beautiful pink flowers, making me smile as I looked at Jimin's even more beautiful face.

The younger held the camera I'd given him as a present some months ago in his petite hands, walking with light steps towards our destination.

Did you really have to bring the camera with you? I asked while we walked in the shadow of some trees.

Yes. Jimin answered boldly and looked at me with in excitement glowing eyes. Today's Yoongi's birthday and I want to capture every moment of this day before he goes back to Jeju for a whole year. He spoke determinedly and held his camera up to snap a photo of me.

I rolled my eyes jokingly at first but quickly replaced it with a soft smile.

It was originally Hoseok's idea to make a big birthday party as a goodbye-gift before Yoongi leaves since he'd got his promotion.

The elder had been humble as always and had negated. But he'd been quickly outvoted by the others.

Jimin and I arrived early at the arranged place. Everyone except the birthday kid had already gathered here. Nothing had really happened in the last months... despite one thing.

Thank god Taehyung and Hoseok were finally an official couple. It was a long way but eventually the two had also found the end of this maze.

I looked up into the colorful branches of the blooming trees as I picked one flower off the branch and turned towards Jimin, who was busily taking photos.

A beautiful flower for a beautiful boy. I said while placing the frail flower behind his left ear, grinning at the way Jimin blushed and smiled happily at my words.

Ew, Jungkook's being cheesy again! Taehyung suddenly shouted at us and acted like he had to puke.

But Jimin seems to like it. Seokjin mentioned and ignored the death glare the younger gave him after this.

Gladly we are not like them. Hoseok said to his boyfriend in a sarcastic tone and smiled.

After that Taehyung and Jimin started to argue in a playful manner while we others just laughed at their silly words.

The day went on in a rush and when the night broke in we had to say goodbye to Yoongi who would take a flight to Jeju in the early morning hours.

And even if we had to say farewell to each other, this day was just another reminder that winter was finally over. 


I hope you enjoyed this book (and the first finished story of mine ^_^) 

I can't believe this book came finally to an end! It took me over a year to finish this. 

Also a big thank you that y'all stayed with me till the end! I hope you had fun reading this story! 

See you next time <3 

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