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It's been nearly two months since I updated the last time... I feel guilty


Thin rays of morning light seeped faintly through my closed eyelids, jolting me slowly awake. I groaned as soon as my mind started to stretch out, touching the edges of reality and dragging me out of my comforting sleep.


Oh god... I mumbled hoarsely as I cracked my eyes a bit open, adjusting slowly to the light, which flooded softly into my bedroom.

I rolled lazily around onto my stomach, face nuzzling into the soft pillow, that was still covered with drowsiness.

My lids were still heavy and the silence around me thick as my eyes found the empty bedside next to me, making me remember who was supposed to lie there, to be the first person who sees me awake in the morning and the first one to share a smile after waking up.

It was this one person on earth, that wasn't able to be here.

A heavy sigh left my lips as the memories of last night creeped back into my mind, pictures and scenes swirling through my mind again. All of this had happened in just less than 24 hours..

I groaned as I rolled around to grab my phone from the nightstand, fingers closing around the piece of technique as I sat up in my bed, seeing it was only 9am.

I unlocked the phone and spotted three unread messages of Taehyung, causing me to knit my eyebrows as I opened the chat.

Taehyung 8.53am

Jungkook-sshi are you already awake??

Taehyung 8.53am

Can we talk please?

Taehyung 8.57am

It's urgent...

The messages caused the scowl on my face to grow wider as I opened the keyboard, starting to text back.

Me 9.06am

What's the matter? Did you hear anything about Jimin..

I didn't even had to wait a minute before I received an instant reply.

Taehyung 9.07am

Just meet me at the café

Taehyung 9.07am


Taehyung 9.07am


I sighed as I locked my phone and let myself fall back into the bed, eyes resting at the ceiling above me. I ran a hand through my messy black hair, eyelids closing at the action. I just hoped the day would bring some mercy.


Christmas made the streets empty and calm. The early rays of sun seeped through the white mush of clouds, the wind blew coldly and the whole city was covered in a thick blanket of snow, the sunlight glistening softly in the pure white.

I wrapped the scarf tighter around my neck as I clumped through the icy streets, white clouds of breath tinging the clear air, the crunching of snow under my feet the only noise that pierced my ears.

I was glad as I tramped up the pair of steps in front of the café Taehyung wanted to meet. I still didn't know what he wanted to talk about, but everything was better than to sit the whole day in my apartment, staring at the beauty of winter outside and waiting eagerly for a call from the hospital.

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