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I walked into the small and cute café. The walls were painted in pastel colors and on every table was a small bouquet with flowers. The light flooded in a milky white hue through the room, every color shined and expressed their own way of happiness and enjoyment.

But nothing made me as happy as I looked curiously around and found finally the person I came here for.

A bubbling feeling of happiness and anticipation flowed through my body as I looked at him. A small flower bouquet with light blue flowers stood on the table and I knew that they were his favorite ones.

I walked towards the small boy and sat on the chair across him. The feeling as I looked up into his beautiful face made me as happy as I could only be when I was with him.

His skin looked so healthy and soft and was literally shining. The beautiful flushed cheeks which I wanted to pinch softly because of his extrem cuteness, the pretty nose, the sharp jawline, his lips which were so plump and pink-tinted. They were beautiful curved and looked so soft and kissably, tempting me to touch them with my own. And lastly the beautiful shining eyes. The brownish color which looked like fresh and hot coffee, the stunning form of them and the eyelashes which reminded me of the flap of a butterfly's wings every time they fanned his cheeks. I drowned into his beauty as I looked at him, my heart pounded faster and my smile widened. Nothing more than him could make me so happy like this.

But the most beautiful on him were the smile that sprouted on his face as he looked at me. His pretty lips that curled up into a breathtaking smile, making my heart skip a beat. Because I knew this smile was only for me.

"Jimin." I said as I took his hands in mine. They felt soft and warm and they were so small that they nearly disappeared in my large ones.

"Jungkookie." Jimin replied with the same happy smile on his face. He looked so happy and relaxed. But the best feeling was that he smiled only because of me like this. And I smiled only because of him like this.

A moment we just looked at each other. Every other color and thing in the background blurred and faded as I looked into Jimin's breathtaking coffee eyes. Everything I could see was him. Everything I could feel was his hands in mine. And everything I could think of was that this must be the gazes two people gave each other when they were in love.

"I love you." I said and I was sure that were the most honest words I've ever said to someone. Words I would never regret to say.

I brought his hand up to my lips and placed a soft kiss on the back of them. Jimin chuckled. It sounded melodic and beautiful.

"I love you too." The small boy responded and his smile widened, the expression on his face turned from pure happiness to a dreamy love-painted one. Everything I could see in his eyes was truth and nothing fake.

The four short words moved so much in me. A wave of pure happiness and love bathed my whole head and everything I could think of was how lucky I was to have someone like Jimin who loved me. I didn't need fame and fans. Everything I needed was him.

The most precious thing I've ever seen. I felt drunk on love.

I smiled widely and felt like I could explode out of happiness. There was only one thing that could make this moment more perfect than it was already.

My gaze wandered to his lips. They looked so inviting and tempting. And as I looked up into Jimin's eyes I knew he was aware of what I wanted to do. He smiled widely, his hand squeezed mine as he scooted closer towards me.

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