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I laid on the couch. Pillows and blankets scattered all over the it, the windows were covered with curtains as it was nearly evening. Some crappy show played on TV as I didn't even really watch it and concentrated more on eating the chicken wings I had ordered before.

Today was one of my off-days. That means, having just a day to be lazy.

I liked this days usually a lot. But now it meant being alone at home. Before Jimin lived with me I was used to this. To be lonely. Everything silent around me, only the sounds I made were audible.

I usually like this. But now when Jimin attended his training and I was alone at home, it felt cold and... lifeless. Now I really liked the presence of the younger. I even thought about attending to my work despite my free time. But I wiped the thought quickly away as I didn't want to seem like a stalker for Jimin.

I sighed deeply as I sat alone in my apartment. I looked at the fried chicken in my hand, dripping in dark sauce and smelling lusciously good. I bet you hadn't problems like me, had you? I asked the meat before sighing again and taking a big bite from it. At least you found your destination, chicken. I said to it. You're killing my hunger. I ate it up and licked my fingers after this which had still sauce on it. And you taste really good!

I was still busy with watching the TV show and eating my chicken as I heard the sound of the door. The stamps of feet were audible as some minutes later Jimin opened the door to the living room and peaked in. He smiled as he spotted me. I'm home, Jungkook-sshi.

He walked in and pulled the curtains to the side, letting the bright daylight flow in.

Hey, what are you doing? I said and squinted my eyes which had gotten used to the darkness.

Jimin turned around and walked towards me, holding all of sudden his phone in front of my face, so that the touchscreen touched nearly my nose.

I needed to back up a little bit, making a double chin to see what it was showing.

Jimin smiled widely at me as he pointed at something on the screen. The first snow is announced for today! He chimed full of happiness. You said you'll watch it together with me.

I needed some time to remind that day as we had escaped the rain. Then I nodded in agreement and looked at the opened weather app on his phone. But it's only a probability from 50 per cent. I said and knitted my eyebrows.

Jimin nodded and hummed in response. I hope it'll come today. Please let us watch it.

I looked at the excited boy. His brown eyes sparkled and shined in excitement and happiness as he grinned widely at me, his eyes crumbling up into beautiful crescents. How could I resist something like this?

Of course. Let us go right now, okay? I replied with a small smile on my lips.

Okay... but where are we going. I thought we'll watch it from here.

My smiled widened and turned into a smirk as I stood up and wiped the sauce of the chicken wings out of the corners of my mouth. I know more places than just the river bank. Trust me. With this words I went into my bedroom and dressed quickly up, running subsequently into the bathroom and combed my hair with my fingers. I was focusing on my hair but still then I couldn't ignore the wide smile which was plastered on my face.

It was another "date" with Jimin. Another meeting just with both of us which made my stomach tickle and my heart pound faster. I knew that the first snow was because of his mother very meaningful for him. I shot a last glance at my reflection the mirror before walking out and searching for Jimin.

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