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I sat in the company and observed the people from here. I saw the trainees and the other singers walking around.

I spotted Jimin who walked beside the brown haired boy. I couldn't remember his name.

They sat beside Hoseok and the other guy I recognized as Kim Seokjin. The actor.

I took a sip from my banana milk and continued observing.

Hoseok said something and the others laughed. They all looked really relaxed and happy. I guessed Jimin found friends in the short time he was here.

I sat as usual alone. My food in front of me while I was drinking my banana milk. People around me were always sitting together. Talking, laughing, joking. I'd never wanted to join them.

But now when I saw Jimin and the others I felt something really weird in my chest.

It was something really annoying. I bounced with my feet as I tried to calm down.

But I couldn't stop thinking how there were having fun while I was sitting here. Lonely and unhappy.

I chewed on my lip as I watched them. Jimin looked really happy.

He never had that smile at home. It was always a forced one when he saw me. But now he looked so... unburdened. I looked at the brown haired boy.

He had a boxy smile and energetic eyes when he interacted with the others. He reminded me of a little, playful puppy I saw on the internet.

I watched Hoseok who was full of happiness. He made the others laugh and I really wanted to know what he was saying.

The last guy I observed was Seokjin. He was still really pretty. He laughed about everything Hoseok said and looked really amused.

A new guy joined them as he sat beside Jin. He was really tall and had white hair. I didn't know him.

I watched the five men together in harmony and friendship until I couldn't hold it out anymore.

I took my tray and walked to them. I placed my food harshly on the table and sat beside the brown haired boy. Hi. I said with extrem disinterest in my voice.

For a moment everyone stopped talking. Then they started again as nothing happened.

And then Yoongi-hyung came out of the shower and said he forgot his towel. Hoseok continued his story and everyone was laughing. Except me. I was just sitting there quietly and eating my food.

You look so grumpy, Jungkook-sshi. The brown haired boy beside my said.

I'm not grumpy. I countered bugged and narrowed my eyes. Everyone started laughing as if I made a good joke. Everyone except Jimin. His laugh was gone. He didn't dare to look at me and bit his lip nervously.

The others continued to talk about some random things while Jimin and I remained quiet.

The break is over. The guy with the white hair said after a while.

We should go now, Namjoonie. Jin stood up and smiled at Namjoon who took his hand.

They went out of the building. Hand in hand.

I gulped. Are they... dating? I asked myself and didn't realize I said it loud.

They do more than just dating. Hoseok answered with a wink and smiled.


Everyone continued their work. I became curious on the end of the day and tiptoed to the practice room. Hoseok once told me that Jimin stayed longer than the others.

And I asked myself if he did this because he don't want to come home or if he was really practicing.

I slowly opened the door and glanced into the room. Music played and I saw Jimin dancing in front of the mirror. I carefully went into the room and leaned against the wall as I watched him.

He tried a dance move but failed every time.

You should stop. I said with an arrogant grin on my face.

Jimin flinched when he heard my voice and looked at me in shock. Sweat was sparkling on his forehead.

Stop trying it. You just force yourself to something impossible.

He narrowed his eyes and stopped the music. I sighed and walked to him, grabbing his wrists and pulling him closer to me. You need to do it like this. I explained and laid one hand on his chest and the other on his back to help him. You need to go clockwise and not to the left side. I said.

B-but I can't do it to the right side. he mumbled shyly and looked at the ground to hide the blush on his cheeks.

As you see it's impossible for you to do this move. Stop it and don't force yourself. I persisted.

He made some steps away from me and shook his head.

I sighed deeply. You're only going to lose.

He shook his head again and played with the fabric of his T-shirt. A g-good person told m-me: We're to young and immature to give up, you idiot. If you seem like you're going to crash step harder kid. His voice sound constant and hopeful as he quoted it. He looked at me and smiled a bit.

I'm not gonna stop until I got this move. he told me and I was surprised by the conviction in his voice.

I looked at him with wide eyes but averted my gaze quickly and turned around.

Okay, but don't be too frustrated when you fail. I sneered. And don't come home late. I went out but couldn't stop thinking about the things he said.

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