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Your back needs to be more tense. I advised and groaned bugged.

Jimin pursed his lips and looked back to me. I try it. But it doesn't work. He looked really sad. No wonder, this was his fifth attempt to try this dance move.

Then try it again or you're going to lose... again! I persisted and glared at him. It was already late in the night. I was about to go home but then I saw Jimin practicing alone. Like always. And now I helped him to practice for the last half hour.

I sighed and crossed my arms. I think we need to dance waltz again, don't we? I asked and raised my eyebrows with a playful smirk.

We don't. Jimin responded quickly and blushed at the memory.

Try it again then. I countered and looked at the smaller boy. He sighed before trying it again but tripped over his own foot and fell.

Ouch! That hurts! He said from the ground and got quickly up, blushing out of embarrassment.

I sighed and took my jacket off from the chair. Okay, I think we should finish this and go home. Jimin nodded quickly and grabbed his jacket as well, following me as I went outside.

It was already night. The sky was cloudy and hazy and it would be totally dark without the street lights which gave vague light.

I walked to my car but hesitated as I grabbed my keys. I bit my lip and turned around to face Jimin. He looked back. His eyes were innocent and kind as always... beautiful as always. His eyes were too tempting.

I'm hungry... Let us eat something. I said and walked towards him. Jimin nodded and smiled a bit. I'm hungry too.

Well, then. Let's go. I smiled at him and started to walk. Do you want to walk the way in the park?

Yes. Jimin answered happily. The walk was silent. Only cars and our footsteps were audible. The fallen leaves crunched under our feet, accompanying with the growling motors from the street.

But as we walked into the park it became quiet. Car sounds faded in the background and only crunching leaves accompany our way. It was so quiet.

I looked at Jimin. Orange hair covered his forehead, cheeks flushed from the training and his soft lips looked as kissable as always. Jimin turned to me, looking directly into my eyes. A gust of wind rushed through the way, making Jimin's hair flying loosely around his head. The leafless trees above us rustled loudly, predominating every other noise, just accompanying this moment.

This moment as I looked into his brown coffee eyes, long eyelashes fanning his cheeks, framing the beautiful eyes, making me drown into them. Drowning was something bad, right? But why did it feel still so comfortable?

A gust of warmness hit my chest, seducing me to do things I would normally suppress. But why should I? Why should I suppress such a warm feeling in me? Why should I deny it?

I laid my hands on Jimin's waist, pulling him closer to me until his chest touched mine and embraced his slim waist with my arms. Jimin looked at me with wide eyes, blushing immediately and placed both hands in shock on my chest. But he didn't push me away. Just staring in shock.

I looked at his lips which were parted in overtax. He closed his mouth quickly, pressing his lips together and looked down. J-jungkook-sshi...? What are you doing?

I chuckled and smiled. Why should I fight against something that made me feel burdened? As Hoseok said, denying is useless.

You're cute. I said and grinned at him.

Jimin looked up into my eyes, pressing his lips together as his fingers curled slowly up, clenching the fabric of my jacket. I felt his breath getting heavier, feeling my own heart beating faster.

Another gust of wind rushed through the park, hunting the leaves which flew wildly around. Jimin's hair tousled even more and covered nearly his eyes.

I moved one hand away from his waist, stroking carefully a few strands of hair in the right position until my hand stopped on his ear, sliding down to his cheek. My fingertips on his warm and smooth skin. I rested there with my hand and looked into his eyes. The look in them was unreadable. Was it shock or confusion maybe even acceptance? Maybe all three of them. But I didn't know.

I knitted my eyebrows as I looked at him and clenched my jaw. The old urge of protection myself came into my mind, making me feel uncomfortable.

I averted my gaze and let him go, moving quickly away from him. Too near, too much skinship, too much Jimin... I reminded myself and took a deep breath. I cleared my throat and bit my lip. No, I couldn't do this. I couldn't allow this to myself. Not yet.

I looked up and to Jimin, feeling his gaze on me. His hand touched carefully the place on his cheek where I touched him. Why? He asked with widened eyes.

As I said, because you're cute. I just responded in the same old and disinterested voice as always. I walked towards him and bent down to be on the same eye level as him. What I want to say is you shouldn't meet up with someone when I don't know about that. Because I'm really worried then. I don't want you to be with someone else than me. Promise me.

Jimin seemed still a little bit shocked from the last minutes. But he nodded in response, trying to be as relaxed as before.

All right. Let's go eat now. I said and showed him my hand. He needed some seconds to understand but laid his hand finally in mine. I smiled as I clasped our hands together and started walking. I took a deep breath from the cold air and tried to cool my head down.

As I felt the soft squeeze from Jimin's hand I looked at him in curiosity. Jimin bit his lip to oppress the shy and happy smile on his face. The redness from his cheeks wandered to his ears and making him look like a tomato.

Y-you... Jimin stuttered shyly, his hand squeezed mine again. You're... also really cute. He managed to say before covering the red face with his free hand.

I chuckled at the cuteness and bit my lip. My heart pounded faster and harder and I laid my hand on my chest, feeling the throbbing in it.

Is this what Hoseok meant? You can't deny love. Because in the way it comes it's beautiful. Even if it bowl down your whole life.

Maybe I should reassess my sight of love again.



Wow it became such a fluff chapter :D Actually it was planned to be more serious but it came out like this

So I hope you like it ^_^

The next following chapters are going to be mainly also fluff until everything will be destroyed by me, the author ^_^ <3

And I just need to say that BTS comeback is AWESOME!

Spring day is so emotional and Hoseok singing is my life and makes me so happy T_T

Please appreciate every member of BTS, all of them are so amazing and talented persons

Please love them all ^_^

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