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This is some long ass chapter. So be prepared. (FunFact: Today's the first anniversary of this book!)


It's so beautiful. Jimin muttered as he looked out of the window, leaning with his shoulder against the closed car door.

It is. I hummed quietly, nodding softly as I leaned against the glass as well, feeling the light prickle of crispy air against my cheek.

The whole world outside the car was engulfed into a gentle snowfall. The cold winter air was filled with hundreds of those glittery snowflakes pouring softly down and hugging the parking lot with all of their beauty.

It had been one week since New Year's Eve. The new year had started and the old days were finally over. As well as Jimin had been finally discharged from the hospital today.

I had picked him up from there early this morning. The sky had been clear, the air fresh, everything was just right. And I knew that today was supposed to be a good day in the moment clouds had started to grow and snow began to bloom and fall. It was just like a white spring day.

After we had arrived at the parking lot in front of the apartment no one of us had bothered to move. There were no words needed as we just stayed in our seats, letting the snow engulf us. It was allover peaceful.

A soft smile sneaked onto my lips as I turned around to see Jimin. He seemed to be so eased since we'd left the hospital. His smile was so much brighter and his eyes were sparkling with something I couldn't read. But I knew that he was happy and so was I.

As I watched him admiring the falling snow outside in awe I realized again how much I'd missed him. Or to be more exact everything about him. Not only his calming presence but also his happiness; the spark of lightness and joy, that had filled my heart to the brim. Now I would never let that happiness slide through my grasp again. I would never lose this boy again.

Hey, Jimin. I said into the silence, causing the latter's head to turn away from the window. We don't have to go home yet... I can drive to another place where we can watch the snowfall. I suggested sincerely.

You would? Jimin asked happily, his lips flourishing into a wide smile as he looked at me beamingly.

Of course. Since we couldn't see the first snow we can at least watch this one together, right? I replied with an honest smile and started the engine again, driving slowly out of the parking lot.

You know, you've taken me to so many places already. How can you even know another one? Jimin asked smilingly as we drove onto the street, enqueueing beside all of the other cars.

I think I just came around many places. I shrugged and shot him a brief glance but focused back onto the traffic as the vehicles started to move.

Jimin hummed and nodded simply before he settled his gaze back onto the view out of the window where the snow was still pouring outside.

It stayed a while like this. The only talk in this calm silence was the thrumming car radio, chiming peacefully the latest songs.

Jungkook? Jimin broke the silence first as we cruised out of the city.

Hm? I hummed softly in response. But the younger kept silent for a few seconds after this and I could see him fiddling with his fingers from the corner of my eye.

I... I am just so happy to be out of the hospital. He started again, gazing at me with a slight smile.

I can understand. I replied with a smooth laugh. The hospital isn't the nicest place to stay.

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