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I sat in the car. The window was opened, the cold and nightly air floated in, making strands of my hair flying loosely around my head.

I had my car parked on a parking lot in front of the company. The dimmed light of the street lamps giving a vague sight of the street.

I sighed and leaned against the cushion of my seat, holding my hand out of the window and letting the cold wind caressing it. Why was I even doing this? Why did I comply with the idea of Hoseok?

It was only the night in Hoseok's apartment which led to this situation, making me feel like a complete idiot.

I turned around to face the bag with food. In the end it would be smarter to go to an official place with a lot of people around us. But I didn't know, a part of me preferred this kind of "date".

I sighed and leaned back, looking at the ceiling of my car. Probably this situation was totally useless. Maybe everything wasn't like Taehyung told me. Maybe he was the only one thinking like this, saying Jimin and my "gazes" were noticeably. I didn't even notice this or mind it like this. But I was still here and did this.

I groaned and hid my face in my hands. Maybe I was just insane.

I was so deep in thoughts that I nearly didn't notice Jimin walking out of the company to go home. I jumped out of my car, nearly bumping into Jimin as he screamed in shock. Oh, good, I got you. I said as I grabbed his wrist.

Jimin was still confused at my sudden appearance. W-what? I-i just wanted walking home. Why are you here?

I smiled at him as I pulled him with me to the car. Go in. We go home later. Jimin looked at me with big eyes but did what I said and got hesitantly into the car.

I sat on the driver's seat, buckled my seatbelt and started the car. Then I drove onto the with light painted streets of Seoul.

My window was still open, air floated in, making noises in our ears and tousled our hair. The sound of cars was dominant, the smell of metropolis everywhere and the colorful lights of ads, street lights and cars painted our way.

I took a side glance to Jimin who looked out of the window and remained quiet. You still don't know anything about your luck for this night, do you? I asked with confidence.

Jimin looked at me and shook his head slowly. I don't know what you mean, Jungkook-sshi.

I smirked. You're going to spend time with me. This is luck for you.

Oh. Jimin responded and seemed not that enthusiastic at my words. I grimaced but said nothing. Shouldn't he be happy to be with me? Any other person especially girls would be. Why not he?

And as I thought about I realized that I wanted Jimin to be happy around me. I didn't like this feeling of depression and awkwardness which remained every time we see each other between us. Why couldn't it be brightly and cheerful like the relationship between Taehyung and Jimin? Why couldn't it be like any other good relationship?

You... can turn the radio on, if you want. I said and drove in a higher pace. Jimin slowly reached for the on-button, pressing it once down. The music played softly in the background, Jimin made it louder until it predominate the sound of the cars outside.

Oh, it's my song, isn't it? I asked, amazed that my song played. Jimin nodded slightly and leaned back.

I really like this song. You know what it is about? It's about-

Love. Jimin completed my sentence and looked at me. I looked back and drowned for a moment in his eyes, realizing after some seconds that I'm driving and looking quickly back at the street in front of us.

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