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In the time I was inactive my account hit 200+ followers and this book over 100k reads... Thank you so much <3 <3 <3 


The first morning started with the drowsy winter sun, which flooded softly into our bedroom. Stripes of light kissing me awake as the jingling sounds of an awakening city slowly made their way into my sleep.

And with the first warm pecks of the sun on my skin I felt a smile appearing on my lips as I listened with closed eyes for a few calm seconds to the breath of the wonderful person next to me.

Blindly, I reached with my arms for where I assumed Jimin was and wrapped them around the soft bundle of blankets.

I loved the way I felt the warmth radiating off his body, the small frame of himself curving so perfectly against mine as I pulled him even closer to me.

This is how it should be. The thought occurred in my still clouded mind as a lazy smile ran over my lips. This is what perfection was.

I hummed contentedly when I felt the younger boy snuggling all of a sudden into my arms, a pleased sigh leaving his lips.

I snickered quietly at his cute actions and pressed a sweet kiss against his temple. Morning. I muttered softly, cracking my eyes a little open to be pleased with the beautiful sight of my boyfriend.

Mhh, morning. He mumbled cutely, opening his eyes just a crack due to the sleep dragging still at his tired lids.

He just looked beautiful with the morning light dancing across his skin, his unruly hair being splayed out against the plain white pillows as a lazy and tired smile emerged on his slumberous face when he looked at me.

He was so utterly wonderful that I couldn't fight the urge but to nuzzle my nose affectionately into the huddle of ruffled hair atop of his head and place another brief kiss on his auricle.

Jimin chuckled wildly at my actions, his hands flying up to prevent me from scattering more kisses onto his face as it was tickling too much.

Did you sleep well? I asked then after I'd stopped in my tracks.

The younger nodded immediately, a sunny smile rising on his lips as he gazed at me with those wonderful brown coffee eyes. I slept perfectly. He said and smiled.

Mhh, me too. I hummed and closed my arms around him again. Instantly, I could feel how Jimin cuddled against me, our breathes evening out as no one of us was bothered to move for the next few seconds.

It didn't need words to know that this was exactly what we'd both craved for for such a long time. It felt like a fairy tale that came true. But with the difference that this wasn't just a dream.

It was perfect just the way our bodies were mingling with each other, our breathes coming and leaving in the same rhythm as we held each other fondly so we wouldn't lose the other person again.

I was about to doze off anew when the younger poked me gently with his arm. Hey, Jungkookie. He whispered all of a sudden, bringing all of my attention to him. How late is it? He asked and looked at me curiously.

I hardly opened my eyes as I craned my neck clumsily to catch a glimpse of the clock. It's around nine. I said then and expected Jimin to just nod so we could continue to cuddle in bed all day. But to my confusion could I see how his eyes widened at my answer as he stared at me with those big brown orbs.

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