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We were sitting in a nice and fancy café as we remembered the old times.

I didn't see you for three years. I said and looked with curious eyes at Yoongi.

Yeah, it's been a really long time. He laughed a bit and scratched his head.

Where did you go and what did you do? I know nothing about it.

Yoongi was the producer and director of my debut five years ago. I liked him. He was the first person in my life that was similar to a friend for me. But he quitted after two years because of his scandal. He said, he wanted some quiet time to work on his music. I knew he was really talented. And I had a lot of respect of him.

This was the first time I saw him again. And I was really happy about it.

I smiled at him as I nipped on my coffee.

Oh I traveled through half Korea and got a lot of inspiration. He smiled. But now I came from Busan. I was there for the last seven months.

That sounds cool. I said. Do you want to work here again? I really miss you as my director.

He shrugged. Maybe. But how is it about you. I heard a lot of you. I guess you aren't that lazy anymore. He smirked.

I playfully hit his arm and rolled my eyes. I was never lazy... maybe a bit tired sometimes.

After a short break of drinking, I looked at him again. So where are you living now? Do you still have your old apartment.

Oh, no. I live at a friend's house. Maybe you know him. Jung Hoseok. Stage name J-Hope. I'm sure you heard of him. He's really good.

I frowned for a second and took a deep breathe. There he was again. That guy, who bumped into me and invited me for dinner with his friends. Even if I didn't really know them.

I couldn't believe Yoongi was befriended with this kind of childish guy. Hm.

I heard of him. I mumbled almost inaudible and bit the inner side of my cheek.

Yoongi looked at his watch and got up. I need to go now. he said.

Oh, are we going to see each other again? I asked curiously.

He smiled. Sure. Maybe we can meet the next time with Hoseok.

I frowned at his words but replaced it quickly with a smile. Yeah. I'm glad we've met.

He nodded and I hugged him tightly. Goodbye, golden boy. This was an old insider between us.

Bye, old man. I reciprocated with a smile.

After the spontaneous meeting with Yoongi, I pursued to go home. Even if I knew Jimin would be there and it would get awkward between us.

I sighed deeply as I walked through the dark streets of Seoul back to my apartment.

I waited for live signs of Jimin as I went in. But it was completely silent.

I opened the door to the living room and spotted him. He sat on the couch and looked at me as I walked in.

Get up. I said strictly and watched him with a stern gaze. He immediately jumped off and looked at his feet.

This couch was really expensive. You're not allowed to sit on it. I advised him with a mean glance. He nodded and clenched his fingers tightly in the fabric of his pullover. 

I looked at the clock. It was almost 10 o'clock and I should go to sleep when I wanted to get up on time tomorrow.

I looked at the small boy. I would never let him sleep in my bed. I didn't even want him in my apartment, so why should I comfort him?

I went to the wardrobe and took an old sleeping bag out. I threw it ahead his feet and sighed.

You're gonna sleep on the floor. You're lucky because this room has an underfloor heating so it won't get cold. I said and leaned on the door and watched him.

He grabbed the sleeping bag really slowly and enlaced it with his arms as if his life depends on it.

Weird boy...

Don't wake me up. And don't go to toilet at night. It's way to loud. Go now if you need to.

He nodded and bit his lip as he walked out of the room into the bath.

I closed my eyes and sighed deeply. Then I headed towards my room, removed my clothes and got into my bed.

I heard the sound of the bathroom door. As Jimin opened my door and looked at me awkwardly.

G-good n-night, Jungkook-sshi. he mumbled and bit his lip again.

Go out! I countered bugged.

He closed the door quietly and walked to the living room.

I sighed and scratched my head.

This was just day one of a lot more days with him.


I'm sorry for typos and mistakes

But I hope you like it :D

Thank you 4 reading again!

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