오십[50] {Special Chapter}

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New Year's Eve...

Taehyung stood in front of the brown colored door.

His hands sweaty and his lip being caught between his two front teeth, gnawing nervously at the piece of flesh.

His finger hovered shakily over the doorbell-button, not sure wether to dare a push or not.

He'd never been so nervous in his entire life before. With every breath he heard the blood rushing in his ears, his hand trembling a bit.

He could still just leave and nobody would ever know that he'd been here in this very night. But the problem was he just couldn't, his feet were glued to the ground, a nameless force holding him in place.

He knew that it was right to be here, to stand in front this certain door, but why did he feel still like running away?

He couldn't quiet decipher what he was feeling in this moment, if it was fear, guilt or anxiety, but he didn't give himself another second to think of anything as his finger pushed already forwards, a harmony of three tones chiming through the apartment.

And with every second that passed after this, he could feel his heart thumping in his chest, tension growing in his body like a bubble as he heard steps coming towards the door.

Taehyung gave himself just three seconds to close his eyes and take a deep breath; inhaling, exhaling; and when he opened his eyes again the door was already opened. A certain brown haired man standing in front of him.

Hey. Taehyung could only aspirate, his voice sounding small and meekly.

Hey. Hoseok replied friendly, a little bit of surprise and irritation mixed in his voice as he hadn't expected to see the younger boy in front of his door.

Taehyung felt mute. His lips felt heavy and his tongue empty as he looked into the warm eyes of the elder, a sting radiating through his chest.

He was here to make up for what he'd done. For all the lies he'd told his friends and the heartache he'd caused the man he'd fallen in love with. And now that he stood here in front of him, face to face, his body betrayed him.

He wanted to tell him the truth, he really did. But the fear of being pushed away was just too big.

And maybe Taehyung would've just turned around and leave or came up with a pointless excuse why he was in front of his door at that time of day but Hoseok acted faster than his train of thoughts.

Hey, wanna come in? His voice sounded warm and inviting in the icy silence, which had filled Taehyung to the brim.

The younger just gulped and nodded briefly, thankful that he didn't have to ask first.

Wordlessly, he entered the apartment, being slightly shocked at how a wave of warmth drowned his body.

You look so pale. Is everything okay? Hoseok asked worriedly, knitting his eyebrows as he examined the younger.

Y-yes, Hyung. Taehyung managed to croak, his throat swollen and itchy.

The elder held the eye contact with him for a few more seconds before he replaced the frown with an expression of softness. You sound like you've caught a cold. Go already into my room, it's warmer in there. I'll make you a tea.

Taehyung wanted to negate quickly but Hoseok waved him off, saying that it was okay. And without further debating Taehyung let the older male do his work and shuffled awkwardly into his room.

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