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This boy... This weird boy... I thought as I laid in my bed.

It was around midnight as I questioned myself about him. I stared into deep darkness.

I didn't understand this boy. Why was he acting like this? Why didn't he tell me the truth? I bit my lip and I rolled to the other side of the bed.

And why do everybody love him for that? This boy was a mystery for me.

He annoyed me, bothered me and I hated him. But I really wanted to understand him. Why he was doing things like he did. Why he said still nice things about me. And why he stayed so strong.

I rubbed my eyes desperately as I thought about it. I was never interested in the lives of other people. In my world existed only one person. And this was me. I was the center of this world. I was loved and adored by all.

But then this mysterious and shy boy appeared and I started to question everything.

I didn't like this feeling. I wanted to hate him, to make him feel bad. But everything I do was getting curious about him and his life. But I didn't want to!

Caring about someone means to get hurt or exposed. I didn't want to experience this feelings again.

I looked out of the window. I cared about my real mother. I cared about my family. I cared about my feelings. But everything was gone now. Everything got lost. And I had nothing. I had oppressed this feelings at first. But when I got with thirteen into the orphanage I realized how everything was gone. How lost I was.

My mother. My family. My feelings. I cared about everything. But everything of this hurt me.

After six months in the orphanage I got adopted by my new mother. And they gave me so much love that I was able to find myself again. But I started to oppress every feeling that could hurt me.

I didn't want to care for this boy. But he creeped into my mind and I couldn't stop thinking about him.

This is why I hate you Park Jimin! I hate you so much! I hate your for making me care about you! I hate you for questioning my myself! But I hate you the most for bringing my feelings back.

I heard the soft sound of my door. I frowned and closed my eyes quickly and pretended to sleep.

Soft steps were nearing my bed and I felt my heart beat go faster.

Someone stood in front of me. He made no noises, just standing there in silence.

Okay, this was creepy.

I slowly opened my eyes and screamed when I saw the person with the pillow over me.

I jumped back and stared at him with wide opened eyes.

Jimin looked at me with his big, innocent eyes and tilted his head slightly. He enlaced his pillow with his arms. His shirt was too big for him and covered his knees.

Oh my god, you scared me! I gasped in relieve.

Sorry, I didn't mind to. he answered quietly and played with the end of his pillow.

What do you want? I was sleeping. I lied. I was thinking of him the whole night and now he was standing in front me. Why was he following me in every possible way!?

You're not only creeping into my mind but also in my bedroom. I mumbled quietly to myself.

I-i had a nightmare. he whispered frightened. I'm scared to sleep alone. He looked at me with his big and innocent puppy eyes. Nothing fake was in them.

I looked at my bed and knew here was enough space for us. But I couldn't let this happen. He only annoyed me!

Get out! I don't want you here. I countered bugged.

Jimin grabbed his pillow tighter and looked really terrified. I-i'm really scared. It's so scary alone in the living room.

I turned around and pulled the blanket over me. Not my problem. I responded disinterestedly.

He sniffed two times and went slowly out of the room. I sighed when he closed the door and rubbed my eyes.

This boy was going to make me crazy.


Thank you for reading :D

I'm sorry for typos...

Anyway we're already at chapter 10 :-)

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