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I couldn't believe I was really doing this. I couldn't believe I was following Jimin trough the dark night.

But I was only doing this for my mother who would kill me if something happened to him. So I needed to bring him back.

I cursed as I walked trough the nightly streets and kicked some stones with my foot. This little bastard. Why did he run away even if I said no. My mother said Jimin wouldn't make any problems. But this was a problem. He was running away and I didn't know where he was.
When he ran only away to meet a girl or something like this I would certainly kill him.

I flinched when I spotted him. I hid behind a corner and watched him carefully. He stood in front of a desolate house. I could clearly see his fear as he opened the door.

Everything I wanted was grabbing this boy and going home. Because I was really tired and exhausted and it was extremely cold outside. But before I was able to do this went Jimin into the building.

It's not the best place to choose if you want to impress a girl. I mumbled to myself and sighed. This boy was making me crazy. I sat on the ground and started to wait for him.

I hoped his date wouldn't take so long so I could scream into his face when he come out of this building. What does he think he is? I whispered and rubbed my eyes.

I searched for my phone in my pockets but remembered quickly that I left it at home. I groaned and leaned back at the wall of a house.

I waited a few minutes. But I was never patient. I was used to people that made everything for me. Because I was the star. I didn't know the feeling of waiting for somebody. So I stood up and went into the building. Everything was dark and cold. I was about to shout his name but stopped myself immediately. I was not sure but I had a weird feeling in my stomach. I continued searching until I heard weird noises. I stopped and harkened. There were men voices. I carefully went towards them and glanced around a corner.

Y-you said you would stop. A scared and frightened voice whined. It was Jimin.

Some boys laughed and I heard a sound similar to a yelping dog. I glanced at them and saw Jimin surrounded by the other trainees I saw in the cafeteria before. The biggest of them punched him. Jimin hit the wall behind him and fell when another boy kicked him into the stomach. He whined and hold his head as he looked at them. Blood was dripping down his chin.

I inhaled harshly as I saw the scene in front of my eyes. It looked like a scene in a movie. But this was real.

Why should we stop? A boy said and laughed loudly. You're too funny. He punched him again. Come on, cry for us. Another one shouted.

Jimin took a shaky breath and bit his lip as he tried not to burst into tears. He shook his head and looked at the ground. He got punched again. Someone kicked him into the stomach and laughed You faggot! Did you really think we would stop!? All of the six trainees laughed. You're really stupid.

Hey, Namdoo, we can take him onto the rooftop. It's really high. I'm sure he'll cry. A boy proposed and giggled.

That is a really good idea. Come on, let's do it. Some of the boys grabbed Jimin on his arms and legs and tried to lift him up. He screamed and struggled as he tried to get out of the grip. But they were too strong.

I felt really angry as I watched them. I felt all the anger in my body as I walked towards them.

You should stop. I said and narrowed my eyes. The boys turned around and let Jimin fall on the ground as they noticed me. As soon as I saw Jimins bloody and terrified face I couldn't hold it any longer. I punched the biggest of them in the face. He gasped and looked at me with wide opened eyes. But I ignored it and kicked him into the stomach.

F*ck it! Let's go. A boy yelled and ran away. The other trainees followed him and ran out of the building. I watched after them and sighed in relief that they were gone.

I looked at Jimin who was sitting on the ground, bleeding and shivering. I crouched in front of him and looked into his eyes. Hey, everything okay? It was a dump question. Of course was nothing okay. This guys were beating him up several times. 

Jimin made a weird noise before he wrapped his arms around my neck and started to cry like a little child. He hugged me tightly and sobbed. I widened my eyes in shock as I felt his fast heartbeat on my body. I wasn't sure what I should do now. So I decided to do nothing and just let him cry on my shoulder.

He let go of me after some minutes and rubbed his swollen and red eyes. He sniffed while his breath was still shaky. I-i'm sorry. he mumbled and tried to get up.

Let's go home. I said and he nodded slowly.

Two hours later and everything seemed different as Jimin got out of the bathroom. After he had showered. I looked at his face which looked like a rainbow with the shades of red, green, blue and violet. Jimin seemed really tired as he sat on his sleeping bag and yawned.

I laid on the couch and sat up when he looked at me. He told me that this boys forced him to come to this building. But he didn't want to tell me why they were bullying him.

I got up and walked to the door. Good night, Jimin. I mumbled as I went out. But I stopped after a few steps and bit my lip. I was so angry when this boys punched him. I felt so much wrath in me. So much anger. It was so much that I protected him. Even if I didn't do things like this... usually.

I turned around and looked at Jimin who was already laying in his sleeping bag. He looked so small, so vulnerable and so innocent.

I bit my lip and sighed. I couldn't do this. I couldn't go in my bed when he was here. With all that bruises and cuts on his body.

I sighed deeply as I looked into his eyes. You're not going to tell my mom about this, okay? I insisted. He nodded quickly. I squeezed my hand as I tried to form the next words with my mouth. You can sleep in my bed today. It is like a deal. I'll let you sleep in my bed for one night when you're not going to tell my mother about this story, okay?

He looked at me in surprise but nodded quickly and got up. It was a weird feeling when he laid next to me in my bed. I turned off the light and rolled around. It was so strange to hear the breath of someone else beside me, to know he was laying there.

I closed my eyes and tried to sleep when Jimin suddenly started to talk. T-thank you, Jungkook-sshi. I heard him mumbling.

I groaned sleepily. Why are you thanking me?

Because you saved me.

I didn't save you! I didn't even care about you! So don't think I did this because I like you or something like this. You can thank my mother. I only did it for her. I countered roughly.

I'm still thankful. Jimin mumbled sleepily. Thank you very much, Jungkook-sshi.


Sorry for mistakes and typos but I had no time to correct it

Anyway hope you like it :)

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