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The sweat stuck onto my forehead like the shirt on my chest. I gasped loudly as I stood up and tousled my hair. Two hours practicing were no fun.

The lights of the practice room seemed to burn my skin. Some people tanned in the sun. I tanned in the practice room or from the lights of a floodlight.

I took the towel and rubbed my hair with it and created a total mess on my head. I sighed and threw the towel away. Another exhausting day was finished.

I went out of the practice room and headed to the room where the trainees trained. It was about 9pm and the lessons had already ended. But I decided to take Jimin home with me. He still needed to walk to the company. But I took him home with me.

I did it for my mother. I was sure the trainees would try to beat him up as soon as possible so I needed to protect him. For my mother. Not for him.

I usually stayed longer than the others, so he needed to wait. But I knew he wouldn't complain about it.

I carefully opened the door and glanced into the room. As expected I heard music and the breath of a person. I walked in and closed the door slowly behind me.

I looked at Jimin who danced in front of the big mirror. I leaned against the wall and continued watching him. But scoffed when I saw that he danced a choreography from me.

I kept watching him until the song ended and he stood there, gasping and looking at himself in the mirror reflection.

I clapped with my hands and his head turned to me. Is this my song? I asked and raised my eyebrows.

Jimin stared at me and breathed heavily from dancing. He blushed and looked on the ground. Y-yeah. he mumbled quietly.

I sighed and sat on the ground. Do it again. I'm watching you and say what you can do better. I'm sure it will be a lot.

He widened his eyes and stared at me. I-i should dance... in front of you...?

I'm gonna be your dance teacher soon. So we can start also now. I shrugged. I'm in a good mood today. So be happy. I'm not gonna be that cruel to you.

Jimin bit his lip and played with his fingers nervously when he started the music again and danced. I watched him and smirked. This choreography was sexy, boyish and sassy. Jimin on the other hand was shy, introverted and quiet.

He looked at me after the song ended. Sweat was rushing down his forehead and his chest moved really quick as he gasped exhausted.

Why did you choose this choreography? This doesn't suit you. I said and raised my eyebrows.

Jimin scratched his head and looked down. Y-you looked so cool when you performed this... he mumbled shyly and blushed. B-but I messed up again.

I sighed and got up. You're right. You're just forcing yourself to dance this. I laughed roughly. You can't even dance. But okay, I'm gonna ignore this today. As I said I'm in a good mood today.

I started the song again and dimmed the lights. This song is supposed to be sexy, teasing and sassy. But you're just quiet, annoying and under-confident. This can't work out. You should give up and take another song.

But I want to dance this song. Jimin insisted and furrowed his eyebrows.

Then you need to adjust the feeling of losing. Because you're gonna mess up every time.

I started to dance the choreography while the music played in the background. I did it with my best Jeon Jungkook skills which killed fangirls every time.

I looked at Jimin when the song ended and wiped some clingy strands of hair out of my face. Did you see this? I was sexy and confident. And you were shy and introverted.

Even under the bad light I could see Jimins reddened face. He nodded slightly and bit his lip as he squeezed his hands tightly.

Try it. I said and Jimin and looked on the ground. I can't. he responded.

But I want to see you dancing it. I want to laugh a little bit. I teased him. He looked up and narrowed his eyes. This is the reason why I don't want to dance. You'll be only laughing at me.

I shrugged. Right, because I know you're untalented, so you can't surprise me. I started the music again and sat on the ground. You can dance and I can laugh. I think this is a good deal. I showed you how it needs to look like. Go ahead.

Jimin bit his lip while the music played and gulped when he did his first move.

I was ready to laugh but I couldn't when I watched him. Because he was good. Unexpected good. He did it well.

I narrowed my eyes as he danced. His moves got from shy to unexpected confident. And from introverted to sexy. My jaw dropped as I watched him. He looked like someone completely different. Someone with confident, sassiness and sexiness.

He smiled when the song ended and looked at me. This was good, wasn't it?

I was still flashed by his sudden change but tried to control myself quickly. I shrugged and looked at him with an arrogant gaze.

It was acceptable. It was as good as me.

You were too shy and too introverted. You looked confident and sassy while dancing this.

You were too stiff. I'm sure you looked sexy.

It was semi-good. You did well.

Of course I couldn't say my real thoughts. So I told him all those false things and got up when I saw his fading smile.

You only waste my time. Let's go home or I let you walk again. I said arrogantly and went out of the room. Jimin nodded quickly and followed me.

I always thought Jimin was boring and dreary. But what I saw confused me.

I looked at him while we headed to the car and narrowed my eyes in confusion.

Was there a side on Jimin I didn't know yet?


I'm really sorry for this trashy chapter :-/

I didn't know why I wrote this but it just happened

The next chapters will be better ^_^''

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