이십팔[28] {Special Chapter}

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7 months before...

I walked through the street towards home. I came directly from school and inhaled the air slowly before I smiled, a white plastic bag dangled around my wrist. It was a little present for my mother.

I went into the small street where we lived. Our house wasn't big or showy or even pretty. It was small, the front was exfoliated and dirty and it really didn't look pretty. But it was enough to live for us. We didn't need a big house, a lot of money or a car.

My mother couldn't drive because of her paralyzed legs and I because I was still a minor. So it would be pointless to have something luxurious like a car.

I went home and walked into the kitchen. I'm home, mom! I shouted while I opened the plastic bag and took the fresh strawberries I bought out.

I heard the creaking of the old and broken door behind me as I turned around and faced my mother, who sat in the wheel chair and smiled at me. I slowly closed the door behind her after our cat slinked in. The door was broken but we had no money to fix it. But we were used to it.

I sat on the chair and pointed at the strawberries on the table. I bought them for you. I said and grinned widely.

My mother smiled and patted my hair. Oh, Jimin, you're a good boy. I don't know what I should do without you. She said and smiled.

I don't know what I should do without you either. I responded with a happy grin. The smile of my mother faded and she looked at her legs, some strands of her hair fell into her face but I could see her sad expression clearly.

Is something wrong, mom? I asked worried. My mother looked up and shook her head quickly, smiling like nothing happened and taking one of the strawberries in front of her. The cat jumped onto her lap and my mother stroked her head. The cat purred and leaned against her.

I didn't know but I was a little suspicious. The smile of my mother was faded in the last time. More depressed. It made me worried because I didn't clearly know why. But I hoped it was just one of her depressed phases after the accident one year ago. She had them sometimes. This was the time when she didn't smile a lot and didn't take care of herself and me. But I wasn't angry or reproachful because of that. I could imagine how terrible it must be to be manacled on this wheel chair. I'm sure it would be for everyone a hard time to admit it.

So I just tried to make my mother happy at all cost. Sometimes I bought her favorite food like the strawberries today. My mother was eating them when I looked at her messy hair. I knew she hate it to have her hair like that. So I jumped off and grabbed her brush, giving it to her. Here mom. I said and sat back on the chair.

Thank you very much, Jimin. She said and smiled widely. I smiled back and waited for her to eat the strawberries and brushed her hair when she looked suddenly up. Jimin, we are out of milk and eggs. I thought I could bake today but I can't without that ingredients. Can you please go and get them in the shop? She asked.

I nodded immediately and stood up, grabbing the wallet and the bag. Okay, mom. I was about to rush through the door to get what she wished for but she grabbed my arm quickly and stopped me.

I looked into her eyes and frowned. An apologetic smile was on her face as she looked at me and forced a smile.

Jimin. She said. Be nice to everyone you'll meet.

I nodded not sure what she meant. Of course I'm nice to the shop assistant. As always.

Her mouth started to quiver almost invisible but I saw it either. Just be as nice and kind as possible to everyone. You're a good boy and I'm so proud of you.

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