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This night was just destined to be perfect.

The moon stood far away in the sky, moonlight melting down and stars twinkling in excitement as much as my eyes probably did in this moment.

The parking lot in front of the hospital was illuminated by the round street lights, hovering above my head as I closed the trunk of my car with one hand. Grinning happily to myself, I saddled the bag on my back and made my way towards the person the stars were shining for tonight.

I wouldn't want to waste any more time I could spend with Jimin. Especially not tonight, when the sky would be filled with the sensation of colors. Fireworks splashing and sputtering, when everyone celebrates New Year's Eve.

It would be perfect.

Smiling like a total idiot I knocked at his assigned door, my stomach bubbling in excitement as the small Come in appeared from the inside. Without hesitating a second I opened the door, being greeted with the sight of my love sitting on the dull hospital bed and looking at me with a surprised expression.

The small frame of himself was nearly drowning in the baggy hospital gown, that was draped over his body. His petite hands tangled in the white blanket, one of them still connected with the IV, that stood beside his bed. And even in the light of the dreary LEDs tinging the room into a hard, nearly bleak atmosphere, Jimin looked still so beautiful. Just like the stars outside, giving even the darkest night a hopeful glow. Like his smile, that made my day brighter.

And as Namjoon had told me; it was beautiful to be in love. It made it even worth to believe that flowers can still grow in the coldest winters.

What are you doing here? Jimin asked surprised and looked at me with wide eyes yet I could hear the happiness out of his voice. I thought you and the others want to meet to see the firework together.

I shook my head with a slight smile and walked towards his bed. They can watch the firework without me as well. I would rather want to watch it with you anyway. I said quickly and set the bag onto one of the chairs, acting like I hadn't seen the happy blush, that sprouted on Jimin's cheeks after my words.

I brought us something to eat. I didn't know what you want, so I just bought the same thing we had the last time. I hope you are hungry for some Chinese food. I said as I took out two boxes with steaming hot food and smiled widely at him.

I would die for Chinese food right now. Jimin chimed in with a heartwarming smile and chuckled.

Great. I replied happily and grabbed the chopsticks, handing them with one of the boxes to Jimin, who took them gratefully.

While I was still busy collecting my own food out of the bag and taking another chair to sit on I felt Jimin's gaze poking me from the side. Curiously, I looked up at him, seeing him just in time to shuffle to the side and pat with his hand the empty place next to him. Sit here. He offered with a smile.

Are you sure? I asked carefully and biting my lip, not wanting to hurt him as I thought about how badly injured he still was. I don't want to hurt you.

It's okay. Jimin reassured me, his eyes shimmering in sincerity, which assured me that it was really okay to do this.

I slipped off my shoes before I scrambled carefully onto the hard mattress, cautious not to cause Jimin any unnecessary pain as I settled slowly down, leaning back against the stuffed pillow.

The bed was only sized for one person, so however one of us moved, there was always a certain body contact between us. But neither Jimin nor me seemed to be bothered by it.

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