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I'm glad everything is alright. The voice of my mother chimed.

I smiled and held the phone on my ear. Yeah, I'm happy too. I smiled to myself and looked at my feet, biting my lip. I think everything is good now.

That's so wonderful to hear, Jungkook. She said and I could hear something rustle on the other side of the phone. I need to hang up now. The work is pressuring me. I'm gonna call you later again. Goodbye, Jungkook. Love you.

I heard someone opening the door behind me and turned around. Love you too, mom. Bye. I responded quickly and ended the call, shoving my phone back into my back pocket.

I looked at Hoseok who came in and closed silently the door behind him. Oh sorry, did I disturb you? He asked.

No, no, I was about to hang up. What's up? I responded with a small smile and cocked my head to the side.

I just wanted to ask you if you saw Jimin and Taehyung anywhere. They didn't attend the training today. He spoke and walked towards me.

I knitted my eyebrows. Really? But I saw Jimin in the lunch break. I said and shrugged subsequently. Maybe they're just skipping the classes. I proposed even if I knew Jimin wasn't the type for something like this.

Hoseok nodded and looked for a moment thoughtfully at nothing before focusing back on me. Hey, it's already afternoon. Let's run off, buy a coffee and talk. He said and pointed with his thumb at the door.

But you know, I have a schedule. I countered and raised my eyebrows.

Hoseok grinned cockily and walked towards the door. Hm, let's see what we need to do... Oh wait, I think I can't remember. He joked and opened the door. If Taehyung and Jimin can skip class we can do it too.

I grinned widely before taking my jacket and following him outside the building. The wind was harsh and cold, causing me to duck my head down into the jacket.

Hoseok dragged me over the street and into a warm coffeeshop. The lightening was warm and comfortable, giving the cozy feeling of winter as soon as I walked into it. The counter was empty which gave free access for Hoseok to order two coffee.

After some minutes he placed a hot cup into my hands. The luscious smell hit my nostrils and I inhaled the scent, feeling the warm surface of the cup on my cold palms.

We went outside and walked down the street, watching the recently past driving cars on the road.

So. Hoseok started and took a sip of the hot liquid. Christmas is really soon. He said and I looked into his brown orbs.

I nodded and averted my gaze, watching a red car which passed the crossover. Only a week for now. And to be honest this is the first year I'm excited about it. I smiled sheepishly and opened the lid of cup, setting the hot steam free.

I originally had a present for Taehyung. But I think after all of that what happened. He sighed and looked down. I think he doesn't want to be friends, not even acquaintance anymore.

I nodded and watched the white stripes of hot air, fading slowly into the coldish winter air. I averted my gaze and looked at him. Do you really think he doesn't even want to do something with you? I mean... yeah, he has a girlfriend now, but that doesn't mean he doesn't even want to be friends with you anymore.

I wish it was that easy. Hoseok said and laughed sheepishly. As I told you already, I'm happy if he's happy. And if he doesn't want to be befriended with me anymore... I need to live with it, even if it hurts. He scratched the back of his head and laughed awkwardly. But don't let us talk about this now... Let's talk about you and Jimin. How's it going?

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